What is Project Utopia?

I have seen Project Utopia as a chance to provide ideas to improve the harbour port and make it a liveable community since the Fremantle Port is relocating to Kwinana in around 10 years. We used what we learned in English, Humanities and InnovatED to construct a Vision Board that expresses our proposal. We went to the Fremantle Port as part of the project to see the place we were going to rebuild.

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This Is The Capabilities Wheel


In my group we had really good comunication because we were all friends and had worked together before. Apart from strong communication among the members of my group, good comunication was also needed when significant people such as Fremantle Port personnel and the Harbour project people visited us. These people would walk around the area we were working in and they might come up to us and have a conversation. If they had a conversation we would talk about our work and what we could improve about it. Since we were promoting our school, our communication must have been highly successful in front of the guests.


When we were up to making the vision board my group had a few strugles with finding the postion of the water and where it was located. We had done our work in the wrong spot of the vision board and need to re-do our vision board. My group knew that we just had to get on with it and use resilience. This ment not complaning about how we had to start again but just getting on with the work that needed to be done.


My group and i were not very organised at times and this could get very frustrating at times. I found this frustrating because this ment that my group kept having to go back to the classroom and get the things that we needed for our vision board so it was just wasting a lot of time.