In this semester of Innovat-ed, I did the precious plastic project. It was a lot more fun than I thought I’d have. Our project was to learn how to use the machines and then use them to make recycled products out of old milk bottles and bottle caps. Our original goal was to make enough products to show to people, demonstrate how we make them, and sell them for profit. The capabilities I mostly used were collaborative, problem solving, creative, effective communication, and organization. An example of collaborative was I had to collaborate with others to get it down. I had to use problem-solving when it came to us making a video and we got that done as well. We needed to be creative when thinking of stuff to make and we needed to be organized so we could make as many items as possible. We needed to use effective communication so we could know what we needed to do and use. The stages of the design process we best used were the production stage. We need to improve the planning stage by planning week by week what we are gonna do so then we know exactly what we need to do and then we can be more efficient with our time. We were the best in production because we made a lot of stuff.