About Me

Clarissa Siew – Class of 2027

Hey, I’m Clarissa, and welcome to my e-portfolio. I’m in O’Connor house, and I enjoy attending ASC. My favourite subjects are English and Music, though I also enjoy Maths, Humanities and Science.

Some things I enjoy doing in my free time include reading, listening to music and watching movies. I also play the violin and piano, and enjoy playing both instruments. I play in the Philharmonic WAYO orchestra, as well as several of the school’s orchestras. Some of my favourite composers include Debussy, Tchaikovsky and Liszt.

I started learning taekwondo when I was younger, and received my black belt a few years ago. Learning taekwondo has helped me establish a higher level of resilience, and push myself further. I’m so glad that I’ve been able to learn taekwondo, build relationships and have fun.

That’s all from me! I hope that you enjoyed reading this page!

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