Project Utopia 2021

What is the aim for this project?

The aim for this project was to create a vision board and speech to present at the end of 10 weeks. There was a lot of planning, research, thinking and thought put into this project. The idea was to create something to put into the future of the Fremantle port as it is being redesigned. We had to make a utopia where the existing Fremantle port is, we were doing a utopia because we were reading the novel the Giver which is a utopia.

Public speaking

We had to create these short speeches that could only go for 1 minute, it was super hard getting the right time because it was very easy to go over that limit. The hard part was getting the right volume without being too quiet or too loud. I also had to speak in front of all the parents because I was chosen to do the introduction. I had to memorise my groups speech and the introduction speech. We had to present our speech in english and we were recorded so we can see how fast or slow we were going. The night before was very stressful.

UN Global Goals

As a part of this project we had to incorporate the UN global goals. We incorporated goals seven to eleven which are: Affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities and sustainable cities and communities. My group chose these goals because we thought they were suitable for our project.

Vision board

We created a vision board to show our ideas further, we had to make a prototype first. Our vision board had different quadrants for the different parts we wanted to include. We had images on the topics we were talking about in our speeches so we could point to them and discuss further. Our vision board had an overall theme to show images that looked nice while also were affective that we could go more in depth about.

Here is our finished vision board.


We had to research on many different things and over a long period of time. I was in charge of researching about electricity, I found hydroelectricity and solar power. I looked at these two mainly because they are the most effective, and are also reusable and sustainable. My group members also did research on plants, designs, business and materials to build the plaza out of.

ASC Capabilities wheel

As a part of this project we had to use the capabilities wheel, these are some morals that we follow by the guide us in our learning.

We also have to try and involve these in our project. We had many involved in our project like problem solving.

Design thinking process

We used the design thinking process as a part of the process to guide us what to do in each lesson. We used them all when they were needed especially ideate. We started of with connect and got together as a group and brainstormed, then we started researching. We started to see what we were doing and defined it. We started to prototype a vision board and we then got feedback and improved on that.


The final product!

Over the course of ten weeks our project was nearly finished! Our group was prepared with our vision board read with lots of aesthetically pleasing images. We all memorised our speeches and we were ready. I learnt a lot to do with sustainability and I also learnt a lot about sustainable and reusable energy sources. At the end we spoke to around twenty people in total and presented around eight times. We spoke to a few guest speakers like the professor of UWA and a few parents gave us some great ideas. Overall, Project Utopia was a great experience and a fantastic project with many opportunities.