The year 7s of All Saints got the chance of redesigning the Fremantle port into a utopia. A utopia is a “perfect city” made to be sustainable. Throughout the project, we had to research and develop the most sustainable city we could. The reason we got asked to redesign the port is that the port might be moving to another location and if it is moving, they want to use our ideas to make the plot of the port as sustainable as it can be.


The first step was to look around the Fremantle port. So, we had an excursion to Fremantle port there were three different places our groups got sent up so we could gather as much information as possible. After the excursion, we gathered the group and talked about what we saw in our location. After the talk about what we saw, we decided what spot we were going to pick and we started working on our vision board. My part in the process was talking about and finding the pictures for the sustainable transport section while the rest of the group focused on sustainable living.


On our vision board, we decided to do sustainable living and sustainable transport in the Fremantle port. As the project went on, we didn’t find it difficult to have ideas, but it was difficult to find the pictures we needed to represent the ideas the group was having but as we got deeper into searching for the photos it did get a bit easier. After we had all the photos set out and ready to print in our one-note and on word, we started to print the photos while laying the photos out on it we realized there were some sizing problems, but it was easy to resize those photos. After sticking the photos onto the vision board, the deadline was getting closer, so we had to do our script.


The global goals we worked on were climate action, renewable energy, sustainable cities, communities, and clean water and sanitation. The reason we picked climate action is that we wanted to change the impact on the climate and the ozone layer. We picked renewable energy because we want to make sure that we can reuse all the energy we can get hands-on. We picked sustainable cities and communities because we want to make sure all the redevelopment is as sustainable as it can be, and we picked clean water and sanitation because we want all the recycled water to be clean and not dirty


On the showcase we set up our vision board and then we all got into our position then the teachers talked to all the parents. After that the showcase started, the parents started going to all the different vision board stations,s and then it started to get loud because everyone started presenting. One-by-one my group started we presented our scripts more than ten times in a row we did get a bit of rest between each time but most of the time we didn’t. There also were a lot of important people that came to hear our ideas so they could try to include them in the redesign in the Fremantle port.


In conclusion, I have found the redesigning Fremantle port project a great opportunity to extend my education on architecture, digital design, geography, and sustainable energy. All of this would not have come to mind if I had not gotten the opportunities, I have from All Saints College

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