2021 Reflection
Hi my name is Cooper O’Malley and 2021 was a very interesting year. In 2021 I started year 7, year 7 is the big year that I started high school except for me it was one of the hardest years at school I have ever had. The first week of school we were in lockdown, the first time we called I was waiting anxiously because I didn’t know what it would be like because I had never been on a call on teams but it turned out it wasn’t too bad. We started the meeting with the teacher “Mrs. L” telling us that this class was going to be our main class she said that there would be subjects where we would combine/mix other classes but these would be the main people we would be in class with. When it was time to do a second call I was asleep because I had a late-night talking to my friends about the lockdown.
Year 7 Teambuilding Camp
Then it became time for school the “First big thing” was the teambuilding camp. This camp was to help our class get to know each other on the first day of the camp we built a raft and kayaked. At night we looked at the stars and went on a night walk. On the second day, we did three things tunneling, Flying fox, and archery. We got split into three groups my group did tunneling first but a thing you need to know about me is that I am very claustrophobic so when I went through the tunnels it was a big achievement and I was very happy for myself. Next, I had the Archery I always wanted to try archery so when they said we would be getting a turn at doing archery I was really excited for archery. When we got to the range the safety instructor brief us on all the rules and signals when he was done talking he told us to step onto the marks garb the bow and arrow load it aim and fire when he does the signal. When he does the signal I fire it takes me a couple of times but I get a bullseye I got so happy. I shot one more time but after that, we had to go to the next location. Next, we did the Flying fox, the flying fox was a huge line that you rode on at it was over the valley. I had about four to five turns but then we had to go.
Why Year Seven Was So Hard For Me
By now you must be thinking how was this a hard year for you it sounds like a great year. Well, it was the Homework that was hard I made it hard for myself I didn’t really try I left homework to the last minute, I didn’t tell anyone that I had homework even if I got asked, overall I just didn’t really care but that’s what I’m trying to change this year I’m trying to get better grades to try harder and do all my homework.
Year 7 O.L.P Forest Edge Camp
Back to the story though, the next “big thing” we did was the year 7 forest edge O.L.P. In the year 7 s got put into six groups 1 and 2 went camping first 3 and 4 went camping next and 5 and 6 went camping last. We didn’t know what groups we were going to be put in till the day we got on the bus. After we got off the bus at the campsite we put all our bags in the dorm rooms we were going to be staying the teachers announced groups 1-2 would camping first, I was in group 1 so I got really exited when I heard that.
There was a long walk to the campsite and the teachers knew that they let us have two stops, the first stop was at a little river/creek type thing. The teachers said you can jump in the river if you want but it will be a long walk, everyone said ok and we were off running around in seconds. I was trying to climb across a slippery rock and fell in everyone including me started laughing, I laid down it the water till we had to go. The next stop was the mud fight that was really fun we all through mud at each other and we took a muddy photo. When we got to the campsite we cooked are own dinner from scratch and toasted marshmallows then we went to bed. In the morning we woke up got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed our teeth then went fishing but we didn’t catch anything we got picked up at 11:30 and got driven back to main camp.
Over the next 2 days we did 8 activities 3 in the day and 1 at night the 6 activities in the day were abseiling, pamper poll, bag making, orienteering, low ropes and rock climbing, a pamper poll is a poll that is 5 meters high and you get strapped up you climb up the poll that wiggles around at the the top so it is hard to climb and you jump off it, let me tell you that it sounds easier than it is. Orienteering is when you go out with a compass and run around and find clues and low ropes is where you and your team helps each other cross obstacles.