After watching “Tulip Mania” (on Seesaw), can you think of something in your experience / life when the price soars and the drops suddenly?
Tulip mania was a time during the Dutch Golden age where tulip bulbs of any color were at high demand and were sold at around 10,000 Netherlands guilders (7,766.44 Australian dollars). An example of an economic bubble that recently happened are the buying of Ooshie’s. These are plastic toys sold by retailers like Woolworths to encourage families with children to shop there, so they can get these toys. When Ooshie’s were just released they were a hit, everyone wanted the super rare Ooshie’s and were willing to pay thousands of dollars for them. A ultrarare 100 in the world Baby Mandalorian sold for 100,000 Dollars at an auction. Later on after everyone had settled down again the prices dropped to a rare Ooshie’s for around 5-10 dollars compared to thousands. This is one of the most prominent economical bubbles in the modern century leashing and controlling pester power to help big businesses like Woolworths make more money.💵💵💵

After watching “Tulip Mania”, how will you protect the wealth of your City if the World Bank devalues the Red Tulip (or no longer accepts it as a form of payment)?
Our city of Corezam is purchasing as many resources as possible to prepare for the upcoming contact with other cities. We have to build stronger borders, get Netherite enchanted gear and keep on creating a stronger more livable city. We have also invested in the new Crypto currency Ampere Coin which could still be in value and be worth a lot of resources or new money items. The best way to prevent this is to purchase as many items as possible so if Red tulips go down in value or is no longer accepted as payment our city can still thrive on what it has currently. 🌹🌹🌹

Why is it important for Cities to have “cool stuff”, to have “wealth, and to be “inclusive”?
In Wayne’s World 5 you need to stand out from the rest to be the best. If you had a city with a few plain white buildings in the middle and that’s it would you want to go? It is important for a city to include “Coolstuff”, wealth and inclusivity to help people live in the moment, to make memories and to most of all have a good time there. If you look at the most livable city in the world 2021 Auckland’s New Zealand, it connects man with nature in an extraordinary way. It is reasonably wealthy and is investing in new clean energy solutions. It has a perfectly balanced mix of cultures and has many wonders from Volcanoes to theme parks. This is what you need to stand out from the rest, you need these three factors to be extraordinary.

Geothermal Renewable Energy In Corezam
What have you enjoyed about this inquiry?
I liked Wayne’s world because it was ours, we could build until our minds were content. It was very fun building in Minecraft and I liked it more once we got into Survival mode because we could bargain and barter with the world bank for materials. I also liked the power we had over our money and it was super fun running a city. I was lucky to have such a good group with lots of good ideas to, we got into a few arguments over the ways but we always got over them and still had fun no matter what happened. This was overall a very good project with a lot of places that you we could learn and incorporate in the real world.

What have you found difficult or frustrating about the Inquiry? What changes would you make?
I would have started economics Minecraft earlier so we could actually have time to develop our wealth and “Coolstuff”. This would have given us more time so that the livability scores of our city could maybe have been pushed up a little. I think tulips should have been of a bit higher value so that we could get better value out of our spent tulips. I found that when we were making our Axolotl pond in Picturesque park all the water was really rough and water plants couldn’t grow in it without breaking. This was because I made the pond two blocks deep so my solution was I needed to restart the entire pond, which was a little bit frustrating. I really loved Wayne’s world and it was an extremely fun project that we worked on for the whole year.

Excellent reflection Corbs. A real joy to read. I too wished we had started economics earlier to give you more time.