Connected Learning: Forrest

During forest connected learning we have done many different things surrounding different technological parts. We were then asked to chose one of our projects and present it on our e-portfolio post. The post that I chose was one of my projects where I used the platforms adobe photoshop and paint 3D to make my dog look like it was a lion. This was made by cutting a lions mane of in photoshop, I did this by using the layer mask tool masking the lion and then drawing back in the mane. In paint 3D I got the background and inserted it in.

This work represents an area of growth of me because before this I have never used a photoshop layer mask before. This was a new area of growth of me and I learnt a new skill. This was difficult and took a little while to master but I eventually made it work and start to develop and look good. I also learnt how to cut out an outline around images when I drew out my job.

My work changed hugely from start to beginning, at first I started by trying to erase the lion so that I could then move the mane. I then started to research more and I found a layer mask and how to use it. I worked to perfect the background and also the look of the mask and the image. I then changed the background and made some small changes to the mask and I was done.

This project connects to different homework tasks when you need to make visual images so that I could make them better and further develop visual images. I figured out how to do photoshop and my image turned out pretty good.

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