
In Term 3 of 2023, the Year 9 students got into small groups and conducted research into the topic of mental wellbeing, each choosing niche topics. Me and a group of 3 peers decided look into stress, what causes it, and what can help to relief it. We ended up learning a lot and made a poster to show our learning visually

What I learnt

As well as learning about the benefits mindfulness and mediation have on reducing stress, me and my group learned to work together as peers, supporting each other through collaboration and commutation.

My Advice To Young People

I think that, above all else, it is important to find time to check in with yourself. Lots of people forget about their metal wellbeing, leaving the effects of stress and other struggles to produce long-term mental conditions that can reduce quality of life. My piece of advice would be to make sure you are ok, and if you’re not, seek help.

My Pledge To My Mental Wellbeing

I pledge to maintain a healthy mental wellbeing throughout my life. I pledge that, even if circumstance forbade, I value the state of my mentality, and vow to seek help when needed, now and always.
I chose to pick these things to commit to because I belief that health is one of if not the most important thing in life, and mental health is no exception. Seeking help can sometimes be difficult or uncomfortable, but it is a crucial part of maintaining mental wellbeing.
I will stick to these commitments by setting aside time to check my mental state, and making sure to seek help if needed.

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