June 2021

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Capture the Flag Website

Capture the Flag Website

For Digital ICT we had to make a capture the flag competition, the goal of a capture the flag competition is to utilise Digital ICT skills to find the flags, and after trying various ones in Digital ICT we had to make our own! After creating a brainstorming sheet in which we also explained how […]

Cracking Cryptography 2:

Cracking Cryptography 2:

Second cracking cryptography, using a more complicated “production” than my previous excel at excels featuring a greenscreen and some 3D animations. Watch it below: https://allsaintswaedu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/l24duffd_allsaints_wa_edu_au/ESiJnMLIASRJmWoDP-vuGcgBgRnWlmml1vA2JaOWBczldw?e=4waP5M And the other necessary things: Letter frequencies (std): Letter frequencies (cipher): Cipher (unchanged): Cipher (changed from videos):

Unite Dance Concert

Unite Dance Concert

This year after participating in the Mamma Mia production I decided to also assist in stage crewing for the unite dance concert. Whilst the rehearsal schedule was less demanding compared with Mamma Mia it still involved a weekend rehearsal and another straight after school. It was really fun and I hope to be able to […]