
Year 11 Awards:

This year I have been awarded the following Year 11 Awards: These awards show my level of involvement in the College Community, and how in all these activities I have always strived to showcase myself to the absolute highest standard. For example, in Mock Trials, an activity which involves arguing a case against people from […]

Publications Article Gnala Edition 2 (2023)

Below is the article as published: Last year the Federal election was the big political news, so does that mean there isn’t anything other political news this year? Absolutely not! The last few weeks have been especially busy in the world of politics so here is your whistle stop tour! Mark McGowan Resignation: On 19 […]

Publications Article Gnala Edition 2 (2022)

Below is a copy of my article as published: Previously I tried to explain why gas prices were so high, but as you may have noticed, it isn’t just gas that has increased in price. Indeed, most items in the store are costing more. Inflation is a measure of changes in price. Inflation is how […]

HASS Award Semester 1 2022:

This year I received the Year 10 HASS Award. This award is given to someone who demonstrates outstanding achievements in Year 10 HASS . I am thrilled to have received this award as it demonstrates the amount of effort I have had to put into HASS throughout the first semester.

Rise Dance Concert

I assisted with the Stage Crewing this year for the Rise Dance Concert, as the Head of Stage Crew Right, this was a really fun experience and I hope that I will get the opportunity to assist in many more different productions/dance concerts during my time at the College.

Publications Article Edition 1 (2022)

Below is a copy of my Gnala Article as published: This election was a bruising moment of realisation for both parties that the Australian electorate is tired of being taken advantage of. Held on the 21 May, the Coalition was soundly defeated, however this absence of votes did not pull Labor to victory as much […]

Drivers Ed

My Assessment Video: https://allsaintswaedu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/l24duffd_allsaints_wa_edu_au/EYJE0DM1AYVOlWb8GawpYzEBqspH0XFQMTxWTNlWRDwYug?e=hAN5s1 A poster that could be combined as part of the task: https://allsaintswaedu-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/l24duffd_allsaints_wa_edu_au/EeI_HDwgBuJOh0u63oUQ3_IBHwKJgR-W3h9r5p4jkOZKBg?e=tN69D8 Some questions: Question 1: I learnt more skills about creating videos. For my advertising even though it was so short it took me ages to create the video. The skills that I learnt revolved about skills involving time management, […]

Media Project Term 3 and 4

Media Project Term 3 and 4

This semester in media we created a documentary about water. We are incredibly proud about how we created the documentary and we believe we created in the end a high quality piece of work. This is the story about how we went about creating it. Pre-Production: Ideas Creation To create our documentary we were first […]

Unite Dance Concert

Unite Dance Concert

This year after participating in the Mamma Mia production I decided to also assist in stage crewing for the unite dance concert. Whilst the rehearsal schedule was less demanding compared with Mamma Mia it still involved a weekend rehearsal and another straight after school. It was really fun and I hope to be able to […]

Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia

This year the College made a production of Mamma Mia and for this production I was charged with being Radio Microphone Operator whose main roles included putting the radio microphones on various cast members, and maintaining them during the performances. For Mamma Mia I had to attend numerous rehearsals during the holidays and on weekends […]