David Duff

Mini Media Project

For media we had to make a minature document detailing to perspectives of a topic. For my group we made these documentaries about social media, looking at the positives and negatives of social media. We attempted to use some methods commonly used in real documentaries including the use of lighting, as well as our use […]

Year 10 Science Award

Every semester our school does an awards ceremony at the start of Semester 2 at which it announces the award recipients from the previous semester. This year I received the Year 10 Science Award. This award is given to someone who demonstrates outstanding achievements in Year 10 Science. I am thrilled to have received this […]

Capture the Flag Website

Capture the Flag Website

For Digital ICT we had to make a capture the flag competition, the goal of a capture the flag competition is to utilise Digital ICT skills to find the flags, and after trying various ones in Digital ICT we had to make our own! After creating a brainstorming sheet in which we also explained how […]

Cracking Cryptography 2:

Cracking Cryptography 2:

Second cracking cryptography, using a more complicated “production” than my previous excel at excels featuring a greenscreen and some 3D animations. Watch it below: https://allsaintswaedu-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/l24duffd_allsaints_wa_edu_au/ESiJnMLIASRJmWoDP-vuGcgBgRnWlmml1vA2JaOWBczldw?e=4waP5M And the other necessary things: Letter frequencies (std): Letter frequencies (cipher): Cipher (unchanged): Cipher (changed from videos):

Unite Dance Concert

Unite Dance Concert

This year after participating in the Mamma Mia production I decided to also assist in stage crewing for the unite dance concert. Whilst the rehearsal schedule was less demanding compared with Mamma Mia it still involved a weekend rehearsal and another straight after school. It was really fun and I hope to be able to […]

English Podcast:

For English this year Senuka and I had to create a podcast on a certain topic, of which we chose to create a podcast about Science. We did really well in this assessment task getting 100% for it. Listen to it below: https://allsaintswaedu-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/l24duffd_allsaints_wa_edu_au/EYUgc43GqlhEmeeXsTh1-xcBUn_hcAE-9E7nVKclc4r6Aw?e=P8coeY

Mamma Mia

Mamma Mia

This year the College made a production of Mamma Mia and for this production I was charged with being Radio Microphone Operator whose main roles included putting the radio microphones on various cast members, and maintaining them during the performances. For Mamma Mia I had to attend numerous rehearsals during the holidays and on weekends […]


During Term 1 of this I participated Gen Connect, this is a program where we assist older people in better using there technology. The program ran for 5 weeks on a Monday afternoon, and I enjoyed participating in it and hope to participate in it again in the near future.

Cracking Cryptography:

Cracking Cryptography:

For a new year comes a new video series, this time it is cracking cryptography, a series all about cryptography, it will start off very simple with some Ceaser ciphers and will end with a section on public and private key cryptography. It is also a more complicated “production” than my previous excel at excels […]