During the first semester of 2022 I did the chicken project down at the hanger. Me, another boy, and a group of girls focused on the idea of cooking with eggs and the different recipes that we could create and put into a cookbook to sell at runway.
Collaboration Process
At the beginning of term 1 we decided what our focus was going to be for the first semester, me and my friend put our hands up to go and do some cooking and exploring the cooking side of eggs, where we formed our group with some girls. We all had the idea of creating a cookbook to sell at runway that happened during the second term of 2022.
During this we filled out a collaboration space inside of OneNote with different recipes that we could use that involved eggs. Some of these recipes included: Omelettes, Scrambled eggs and French toast. An challenge that we faced during this was that we struggled to decide on what we planned to put in our book, because of this we started with 15 recipes and only put 10 of the recipes in our final product. Me and the other boy (Jamie Kim) researched the recipes ingredients during the process as well as write them all down in the OneNote whilst the other girls were sorting everything else out. The second issue that we had was that there was not enough to go around the entire group forcing some to just watch whilst others were doing work, we did not end fixing this and it became a huge issue because those who did not have jobs ended up becoming distracted with other things that were not contributing to the cookbook. Another thing that became an issue was our preparation towards the market as we had spent a lot more time focusing on our product compared to how we were going to operate at the market. This resulted in us rushing our presentation set up for what was to come at Runway.
Our chosen recipes
Selling at Runway
We ended up being unable to sell at runway. This was because the girls in our group said that they would sell the book, they then got Covid-19 before the market event and were unable to sell the cook book.