“Hi, I’m Deklyn.”

I am a very loud and enjoy a wide variety of different things. Some of my passions are soccer, volleyball, music and computer technology. I enjoy sports and get very competitive and will have a go at anything that comes my way.

Collaboration and Learner Agency

In the year of 2022 I have used skills from Collaboration and Learner Agency over the course of Year 8 English.

First what is Collaboration and Learner Agency at All Saints’?

Collaboration and Learner Agency at All Saints’ are a selective bunch of skills on the topic of collaboration with others inside of groups and how we further enhance our learning.

During the two semesters of English we had different tasks where we needed to focus and use different skills form the collaboration and learner agency. With the use of coordinating learning and using information and seeking assistance with other students in my environment I was able to achieve things such finish task 8 which was to write a poem anthology with 5 different poems based on different points of view on “What Australia Means To Me”, using information to write poems that I had already known how to write and seeking assistance with other students around me to gain different ideas on different poems to write. Using Collaboration skills such as being able to interact with my group to harness co-agency and express my own opinions on what I thought we was being said and contributing to a group plan during task 4 on the analysis of short stories I was able to help my group see what the short story was trying to say, with the use of the same skills I was able to help my group in task 7, the analysis of poems to help find poetic techniques inside of poem to find the deeper meaning of the poem.