
I have many core values as you will see on the house of values below. Each of them is given a percentage of how much that specific value means to me. The more important values are towards the bottom of the house and the less important are at the top.

House of Values

My 3 core values

Out of these twelve values I have chosen three that I feel I use the most in my everyday life. These are Trust, Respect and Generosity.


This value to me is incredibly important in many ways. The first way is that I feel for any friendship to function there has to be a certain level of trust for both people. If a friendship has no trust then how can it really be a friendship. If there is no trust then you can’t enjoy the company of your friends or tell them anything without the worry that they will tell someone else. Also, I feel that if you can’t tell people what you truly think or act how you want to act around them then you feel wrapped up like you can’t tell anyone anything especially things that you need to get off your chest. If you don’t get those specific things off your chest then you start to feel stressed and then you get worried and start to close off as a person. Some examples of Trust in my household is with my siblings. I feel as I can act however I want around them knowing that they won’t judge me, get embarrassed by me or think anything less of me and I know this feels like trust. I can also rely on them whenever I need their help with things whether it is help with homework or help warming me up for different sports. Another example of trust in my household is trust in my parents. I can always trust that they will lift my spirit and help me think and act in a more optimistic way towards things that I don’t necessarily want to do.


Respect for me is a huge part of anything in life, especially relationships with people in my household and in my everyday life. If I don’t have respect for a person then I feel as if I can’t allow them to be an important person in my life. I also feel like someone who wants respect has to earn it. To me those words mean a lot and they are one of my favourite sayings of all time. Some people who I have respect for are my friends, my family and other important people to society. My friends earned my respect by being kind towards me when I first moved to Australia because they helped me when I needed them. My family earned my respect for always being there for me and for always making me smile and laugh at the times when I needed them the most. Finally the important people in society earned my respect because they did something to help someone or something in need. An example of someone in society who I have respect for is Stephen Curry. Recently he posted a page on social media saying that said for every three he gets and point he gets he will donate a thousand dollars to the Cleveland Metro School District. He managed to raise over $100,000 that day. This makes me feel a huge amount of respect for him as an athlete and an individual. Respect impacts my everyday life in two main ways. The first is that it helps me to decide who I want to be friendly with. If someone can earn my respect then I would be most likely to become their friend. The second way that it impacts my life is that it helps me to understand how I should view celebrities and other public figures. I mentioned above how Stephen curry raised over $100,000 for the Cleveland Metro School District. I used my value of respect to recognise what he did for the community of Cleveland and how generous he really was.


Generosity to me is a gift that everyone has naturally been given. It is something that costs no money and can be done anywhere. Despite this, only a few people actually use this incredible gift. There are many ways that you can use this gift whether is be that you hold the door for a random stranger or you donate 50 billion dollars to charity. It really doesn’t matter to me as long as it happens in some way. In my opinion a society can’t function without generosity. Imagine everyone only thought for themselves and didn’t give a care about anyone else. This would be a horrible, miserable and lonely world for anyone to live in. All it takes is one person to brighten up plenty of people’s days. This happens by passing your generosity on. I like to think that when I hold a the door for someone it brings a smile to their face and why wouldn’t they want to give that feeling to the next person that they hold the door for. That is how generosity influences my decisions in life. If I see someone having a bad day then I know that going over and saying hi may not mean a lot to me but it could mean a lot to them and make them feel better. Generosity in my mind means doing something even when you get nothing in return or no one gives you any praise for it. If you’re always seeking recognition for what you’ve done then you can’t truly be happy without someone else’s applaud. However if you can be content with doing something that you know will make someone’s life easier without them knowing then you can be happy within yourself and that is all you need in life. An example of generosity in my daily life would be when I wait for my friend in the locker room or when I say well done to one of my siblings for doing really well on a test.

My Healthy Role Model

For our next task we had to decide on a role model that we feel is healthy. I chose Roger Federer as my role model because he has been my real role model for the majority of my life.

Roger Federer

What behaviours does this person demonstrate to show that they are healthy?

He promotes his diet plan, tennis workout and tennis warmup to young players to help them understand what they need to do to be a good healthy player. Also, kids around the age of 10-14 struggle to be bothered to do a warmup so seeing their favourite player do a long and thorough warm up will make them want to do it too. This will help prevent injury and establish good routines which will keep them healthy throughout life. Another aspect of roger Federer that makes him a good healthy role model for any age is his determination and leadership. The way that he steps onto a court ready for a match is inspirational to all. Also, his leadership is undeniable. Thirdly, a behaviour that is very healthy is how he handles his mindset and mentality. How focused he is on court is absolutely amazing. One final thing that he does that makes him a healthy role model is that he donates a lot of money to different organisations and charities which shows humility and him not forgetting where he came from. He also has his own organisation called the Roger Federer Foundation. He has helped over 1 million children which is phenomenal.

What do they look like? Are they healthy? How do you know?

Roger Federer is a fit, lean man who is also very strong. If you look at the picture I have provided, you can see that his leg muscles are very defined and strong. This is very common with tennis players as the main source of power while hitting comes from the legs. Also, your movement on the court must be almost impeccable and that is another reason why his legs are so strong. He has brown eyes with brownish blonde hair and is 185cm tall. Roger Federer is very healthy. There are many ways to tell. The first way is pretty easy. You can observe how he looks as an individual and as an athlete. Another way that you can see how fit he is, is by looking at his BMI. His BMI is 24.8 which is a very healthy BMI. A third way you can tell that he is healthy is by looking at his diet. According to the Australian healthy eating plate you should be eating a mix of almost every food group but the majority of food that you consume should be grain food and vegetables. Roger Federer does this by eating a rich carbohydrate-based breakfast, then eating a lean meat, whole grain and complex carb lunch and finally finishing off the day with a light meal for dinner.

There is another way of looking at being healthy. You could also look at being mentally healthy as well as physically healthy. Roger Federer has a peek mentality when it comes to tennis. When he started out as a young tennis player his mental strength was next to none as he was a hot head on court smashing rackets and swearing. After a match in 2001 against Franco Squillari he smashed his racket and, in that moment, he realised that he was responsible for his actions on court and if he wanted to be a good tennis player he would need to change. This change made him the great player he is today. During a match Roger says that he has all these negative thoughts flying around in his head just like anybody else but how he copes with it is incredible. He lets every point that has played go. He completely stops thinking about them. He says rather than trying to tell yourself what you should have done think about what you’re going to do. If you have just lost the first set don’t think I could have hit a better forehand, think I am going to hit a better forehand this set. After hearing these words, I myself have used them in my own game to improve and from personal experience it does truly work.

What message does this person promote? Why is it inspiring and healthy?

Roger Federer promotes countless messages for all ages. He is so inspiring that even the worlds worst Roger Federer haters would take his words of wisdom to heart. These messages that I have picked out mean a lot to me as a tennis player. “When you do something best in life, you don’t really want to give that up – and for me it’s tennis”. I interpret that as him saying that if you find something you love and something you’re best at then why ever give it up. Roger is one of the oldest players still dominating in the ATP tour and this quote proves just how he does it to this day. He simply loves tennis too much to retire. This is inspiring to all young players who love tennis and can’t decide whether or not to take it to a professional level because it shows them that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. The next quote is the most meaningful to me out of all his famous quotes. “I always believe that if your stuck in a hole and maybe things aren’t going well, you will always come out stronger. This is with everything in life”. It gives you hope that anything that weighs you down or anything that you can’t do is just an obstacle that you need to overcome to make you a stronger person. This is inspirational on many levels. For athletes it shows us that if you work hard enough you can overcome anything and for non-athletes who are reading this quote it can be inspiration that if you put your mind to something you can do it. These messages are very healthy for your mental strength. If you can keep these two quotes in mind, then you know that you can achieve anything and maintain a healthy mindset.

Why should young people look up to this person as a role model?

Roger Federer is an incredible role model for not only young people but for all. He is such an icon in the sports world and will go down as one of the greatest sports people in history. Most of his accomplishments in the tennis world have been world records. He is truly a phenomenal human. Young people should look up to him for almost anything in life. They should look up to him for his pure determination and mentality. Whenever he is on the court it is nearly impossible for you to distract him and even less possible for him not to be in his zone when he steps onto the tennis court. He also never gives up in a match and that can represent anything in life whether it be not giving up on a job opportunity or chasing your dreams. Another reason for young people to look up to him is how he acts off court. You can see countless videos of him online spending time with his family and being an amazing husband and that is what a young tennis player should focus on as well as their tennis career. Having a life outside of tennis is also very important to anyone so seeing that Roger can be such an amazing person off court can really make you think that you need time to yourself and time to spend with the people you love. One final reason that young players should look up to him is his diet and how he stays so healthy. I mentioned in question two about his diet and how it keeps him very fit. For young players it is exceedingly important that you stay on a healthy and nutritious diet. It is so easy to fall into bad routines of wanting unhealthy food such as chocolate or other bad sustenance but seeing Roger Federer stay fit while enjoying his food makes you wonder if you can do that too and stay as healthy as possible.

Thinking back on your house of values activity, what values does this person demonstrates?

Roger Federer Expresses many values for many different aspects of life. His core values include love, determination, appreciation and hard work. These are huge core values of any athlete who wants to compete at a high level. Determination is about fighting until the end, its about pure grit and getting through anything in life and I feel that Roger Federer genuinely has done this throughout his whole career. When he started, he won in an amazing five set match against Pete Sampras. That took a lot to do as Pete is one of the greatest players in tennis history and for Roger to beat him at such a young point in his career is absolutely outstanding. It just shows that if you want to win enough then you can make it happen. Hard work ties in with determination. If your determined to work harder than everyone else, then you’re bound to be the best at whatever you’re doing. Talent only brings you so far in life. If you want to keep up with everyone else, then you have to work just as hard. Appreciation is something that you need in any relationship. If you can’t appreciate and give praise to someone who helps you along your journey to become successful, then what makes you think that they will want to stick around and help you more.

Roger Federer

My Unhealthy Role Model

We also had to choose an unhealthy role model and talk about why we think they are unhealthy for young people to look up to. I chose Travis Scott

Travis Scott

What behaviours does this person demonstrate to show that they are unhealthy?

Travis Scott has a number of actions that would be classed as unhealthy. To start off he has encouraged fans to do something that would injure them on two separate occasions during live concerts. The first was when he persuaded a fan to jump off a balcony in front of his whole audience. The fan broke his foot and then Travis made his apology speech saying that he would pay for the fan’s medical bills. All was good until a second incident happened when he told his security team to take away the barricade between the fans and the stage. All of his fans ran to get to the stage but in the hurry people got squished and then stepped on or they got trapped in between people and couldn’t breathe properly. Eight people died at this event including a fourteen-year-old who had a full life ahead. Another action that Travis Scott did to demonstrate that he is an unhealthy person is that he admitted that he was high and that when he was high, he was more creative. Obviously, drugs are very bad for you and if you see one of your favourite artists doing them you may think they’re cool and want to try them so by Travis Scott doing this he is promoting something that is very addictive and extremely bad for anyone who does it.

What do they look like? Do they look unhealthy? How do you know?

Travis Scott appears a skinny but strong man who at eyesight does indeed look healthy although it depends on what you mean by healthy. His BMI is 23 which is considered healthy. He appears as a very strong individual who takes care of his body and his diet. However, he does have a love for fast food. This is why he was happy to be endorsed by McDonalds. He was even given his own burger. You may also consider other aspects of his life unhealthy. Travis has openly discussed his unhealthy decisions to take drugs. Drugs can have a detrimental effect on someone’s life. They are addictive and very often interfere with a person’s ability to function. Drugs can also influence your brain chemistry and lead to long term mental health complications. Travis Scott is a role model to many young people and him saying that he is more creative when he is high may make his fans want to try drugs as they want to be just as good an artist as him. This behaviour is extremely unhealthy as there are many studies online outlining the devastating effects of drugs. One final thing that he does that is unhealthy is he encourages chaos at his concerts. He has been arrested a few times at his own concerts for inciting riots. His shows can get so violent that after the show some of his younger fans admitted that they were lucky to be out alive.

What message does this celebrity promote? Why is it unhealthy?

Travis Scott promotes a few things. The first is McDonalds. He promotes them because they endorse him, and he enjoys fast food. McDonalds even had a burger named after Travis. This is very unhealthy as fast-food restaurants tend to load their food with sugar and salt. Also, their food is highly processed so by Travis doing this he is encouraging people to eat at fast food restaurants even though he knows how bad they are for you. The next message he promotes is in sighting violent behaviour at his concerts. His concerts are very energetic and can even become violent because of certain things that Travis has said or done. After the Astro world concert tragedy, he was posting pictures of people lying hurt on the ground acting like he didn’t know what was happening even though he clearly did. This all is incredibly unhealthy behaviour as people got hurt because of reckless things that Travis said. Also, posting those photos is a clear violation of their privacy.

Do you think young people should look up to this person as a role model? Why or why not?

Travis Scott has many qualities. Some of these are amazing qualities such as how good an artist he is or how he can influence younger people to enjoy music. However, there are also some bad qualities such as his drug use or how he can encourage chaos at his concerts. If we were to look at Travis Scott’s good side with all of his amazing music and his incredible community then yes, I would consider him a good role model to all young people but if we looked at his bad side with his drug use and him encouraging violence then he would be a horrible role model for all young and old people. Unfortunately for him his bad qualities out rule his good ones and therefore I think he is a bad role model to young people. If there was a way for everyone to only see his good side and appreciate him for just his music, then I would consider him a good role model. Also, if he managed to change his ways then I would think of him as an amazing person for everyone to look up to.

Is everything you hear, read or see in the media true? Discuss.

The media provides countless opinions of many different people so to say that every one of them is true would be a complete lie. Not everyone is honest all the time even though they may seem it so you can’t trust everything you hear, read or see. One example of this is when I mentioned about Travis Posting Pictures of people who had been injured at his concert and he was leaving messages to suggest that he didn’t know what had happened even though he clearly did. Despite this there may be some people that you know that provide great advice about certain things that you can relate with and that is good because you know that you can trust them while reading their posts. This is the same with websites. If you find a random website that you don’t know for sure is one that is reliable then how can you trust what their saying. But when it is a website that you have used before and found it creditable then you know that you can probably trust whoever has made it to continue making it so that it is reliable . To conclude, you can’t trust everything you see on the media and especially not social media.


Roger Federer Height, Weight, Age, Spouse, Family, Facts, Biography (

Roger Federer’s Diet – What Does He Eat? – EssentiallySports

Roger Federer’s Mental Secret – Mindfulness-Based Tennis Psychology         (

Philanthropy: How Federer influences the future of a million kids (

Wimbledon: Roger Federer’s epic victory over Pete Sampras, 20 years on – BBC Sport

15 Inspiring Roger Federer Quotes – Quotes Of A Champion – Fearless Motivation

Travis Scott Has History of Promoting Violence, Injury at Shows (

Travis Scott filmed ‘telling fan to jump from balcony onto crowd below’ at 2017 gig that left concert-goer paralyzed (

8 Dead in “Mass Casualty Incident” at Travis Scott Astroworld Concert – E! Online (

| NIDA for Teens (

Inside Travis Scott’s disturbing lyrics as it’s revealed he rapped ‘it ain’t a mosh pit if ain’t no injuries’ (

78 Travis Scott Quotes That’ll Encourage You to Bring Your Vision to Life – Emoovio

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