Monthly Archives for November 2023

Christmas at Amarna

This year (2023) I signed up to go one Monday after noon to the old peoples home. I thought it would be boring and just a thing to kill time but, I was wrong…. it proved to be an amazing experience that made my day so happy. Walking down there I was nervous and worried […]


This project was a movie essay task. The movie that we studied was the goonies. The goonies is an adventure film released in 1985 about a group of friends who where under threat of eviction from the country club so in a desperate attempt to save the house they go on tressure hunt, looking for […]


This project was about earthquakes and how buildings can withstand them. The way we researched and experimented with this was we had to create a structure out of spaghetti and blue-tack, we got given a budget of $60 (a stick of spaghetti was $1 and a gram of blue-tack was $1). The aim was to […]