Category Archives: Projects

media proect

this project was a fun but difficult one with lots of steps to get the the end product witch is a short film. the first step to making a short film was Cumming up with a idea for the concept a light bulb moment, this is harder then it seems we struggled a lot on […]


this semester we did a project it was making jewelry for hospital sick people there were about 3 groups or so 1 was making the jewelry 2 emailing 3posters this process took a lot of work and effort form the whole team we started of destroying the old jewelry some was bad and we had […]

letter to parliament

Works Cited 75. “Australia – Renewable Energy.”, AZoCleantech. “The Challenges Renewable Energy Sources Face.”, 11 Jan. 2019, “Best Solar Power Systems Installation in Perth & Brisbane – Tanway.” Tanway Engineering, Accessed 10 May 2022. “CHAPTER 1. RENEWABLE ENERGY OVERVIEW.”, corporateName=Commonwealth Parliament; address=Parliament House, Canberra. “Energy Resources: A Quick […]

sleek geeks vidio

Our video was about how axolotls have evolved over time they have grown legs not necessarily for walking but for swimming they have small claws and webbed feet. Axolotls don’t look like they have teeth, but they do they have small choppers at the back of their mouth.  They have many ways of breathing their […]