Project Utopia 2021
Project Utopia 2021
In Year 7 Innovated [Ed], we were asked the following question. What can we do to better improve the liveability in Fremantle Port authority if it was relocated? This project consisted of a lot of planning and teamwork. We started by talking about the novel called ‘The Giver’ and the desperate attempts to be “perfect” which we learned that perfection can’t be achieved. In ‘The Giver’, the idea of perfection included no emotion, this means no sadness but also no happiness. Our project was not to make perfection but to make people happy. The group I was put in consisted of Leah, Oliver, Tyler. This group helped me a lot as they were all focused and it encouraged me to focus too.
During the idea stage, we had to take into consideration the liveability of the area and whether our ideas helped it. Our idea was to build a larger botanical dome and a smaller one. We wanted to just make a garden, but to improve the liveability of Fremantle, we added a second dome to house an Organic Café. The café would include native plants (harvested at the other dome,) to be made into food and drinks, so the residence of Fremantle could enjoy the view while having a cup of coffee or toast.
The sustainability part of the Fremantle port was one the most important aspects of the port redesign to help with the UN Global Goals. Some aspects we needed to think about is where we would get the water such as sprinklers or do we leave the top off for natural rainwater to come through we needed to think about this during the ideate stage as it was important that we help keep the earth clean and healthy.
Some things that my group worked well at are… communication and teamwork we always heard others’ ideas and highlighted our strengths, not our weaknesses. some things our group didn’t work well at are evenly distributing the work some of us would have big jobs and some didn’t know what to do. If I were to redo this project I would make sure the workload was even. other than that our group worked very well.
UN Global Goals
Another thing we had to think about is the UN Global Goals we had to identify what goals we needed to focus on the most and how to try to help the specific goal. The goals we chose to focus on were 11 sustainable cities and communities and 2 zero hunger as we planned to donate our foods at the end of the day to starving people who need them.
Our vision boards were one of the most important things to make as they showed our journey through the project and helped us show what our vision was hence the name vision bored. Here are some things that were made easy by the vision board. 1. presentation and 2. preparation. In conclusion, we learned how to be innovative in real life as well as in school. we learned teamwork and persistence we will use this project in the future.
This picture is from the showcase where parents and friends were invited to see all our ideas and research