What was this Project About?
Our project started in Term 3 when I experienced Visual arts for the first time. Mrs Crimson introduced us to the wood work topic. She gave us the choice of a wood wall work or a sculptor. I chose to do a wall work and this is my final product.
The Process
At the start Mrs Crimson asked us would you like to do a sculptor or a wall work. This was a hard choice so I made draft ideas for both a sculptor and a wall work but in the end I decided to choose a wall work because I thought that I could add more layers of detail. I went straight onto planning in more detail for my wall work. I made four drafts and in the end I made a final product with my different ideas from different drafts in my final copy. To make my wooden wall work I decided to make it all out of wooden triangles. I thought of this idea because you can make some complex designs and I thought that it would make my piece more interesting if I did it. It took me 6 lessons to complete my work but in the end I was proud with what I achieved and would gladly do another artwork if it was asked for.
My Organisation
During the time of my project I knew that I always had a deadline for my project and made sure to always keep it in sight. I did this by keeping track on how much progress I was making per lesson and making sue that I had enough time to finish the different parts of the project. I think that I also did well on my research task by doing it at home so it wouldn’t effect how much time I got in class to do my wall work. During the planning part through to the making part I was doing very well for time and I ended up finishing my final wall work 2 lessons before it was due. This was good because it gave me 2 lessons of doing my E-Portfolio which you are reading right now. Overall I think that throughout the process of making my wooden wall work I had good time management which effected how my final product looked.
Being Inquisitive
Before I could even start to think about my final design I had to consider what I would base my artwork on. I did 4 sessions of working with wood and seeing what i liked the look of. This helped me by getting an idea of what types of wood I would like to incorporate in my final wood piece. This then led to me only using small triangular pieces of wood for my artwork. Another thing that helped me with developing my design was the research task. This was when we did a biography of Louise Nevelson and discovered some of her artworks. This helped me in my decision process because it showed me some examples of how different wood looks and this effected how I made my wall work. Louise Nevelson inspired me to make something unique but with a purpose because that was what most of her artworks were about. For example she made a artwork which was based on Paris and how she thought of it. Some of the principles that I used were: Line, shape, pattern, rhythm and balance. I feel like I had incorporated these elements and principles in my artwork to make it stand out and be more significant. I also added a element of elevation for some of my wood pieces were upright and away from the other wood pieces. This added a element that brang together the whole wood work. In conclusion I had many ideas that came from wide ranges but they all helped me to get my final product.
Problem Solving
When I got into the part of actually making my wood work there were some things that prevented me from doing what I had planned. For example in my drafted wood work I had all of the sides of the triangle facing the directly opposite side of the triangle. However when I got to the build of the final copy I had two sides that were uneven. When I realised it I started to stress but then I found a way to improvise and I ended up having what needed to in my final copy. Also I was going to use more unique pieces of slim wood in part of my final copy. This didn’t work because the slim pieces were uneven and unbalanced. I resolved this by using matchsticks which were all the same size and were compact. In the end it shows that through making mistakes and being challenged better things come out of it.
My Creativity and Success
I think that throughout the whole process the design of my final product changed. I think this because I always had new ideas every lesson but I still only had a certain amount of space I could put it on with it looking astatically pleasing. It was very had to choose what to do because I was creative and thought of many different ideas every lesson. Then I did a draft which had lots of my ideas and then I started. Half way through I ran into a problem but through my struggles I was creative and made another was to make it look just as good. If it weren’t for my resilience and creativity my final product would not have looked the way it did. I continued and when I finished I was vey happy with what I had achieved. Through the whole process if I took one thing away from this activity is that to never give up and always be open minded and creative!
Photo’s and Draft Ideas

Look below to view my Research task!
By Eli Saratsis