I started playing AFL in 2016 for the Applecross Hawks in Auskick. I thrived in the environment and continued playing always giving my best. After my first season we moved house and so my new club was at Bassendean Swans. I enjoyed playing there but then we moved house. Again. So I went to the Rossmoyne Raiders and have stayed there since. I have loved playing there because the environment was competitive and nice. On my first game I got a new nick name, silk. This was because I had speed in my legs making me hard to tackle. Throughout my 3 years at the club I have improved lots and recently got my 50 games for Rossmoyne. We won and I was the man of the match. My parents celebrated with buying everyone in the team a hot dog. It was also our first finals year which was good. We were almost kicked out in the Semi-Final but when there was 30 seconds to go I snapped a goal on my left to get my team in to the Grand Final! Our luck was continued and we found ourselves winning a premiership. This was a great moment and was great because it will keep the team together for next year. Overall I’ve had a blast during my 6 year AFL career and I cant wait for what the future has to come.

Soccer was the first sport I had played and I was glad that I did. I started in 2014 playing at Grasshopper Soccer and started learning the basics of playing the game. This then got me into my first league soccer at the Melville City football club. I enjoyed this so I worked hard to progress my skills and become a better player. I achieved this by going to the park in my free time and committing to the sport. I followed this routine until 2018 when I started taking my AFL commitments more seriously meaning that I had less time to do soccer. Then an opportunity came to me earlier this year about entering a State Schools Footsal Competition. I went hoping to play some more soccer this time indoors. I had a blast and ended up playing goalie and striker. I was surprised that after my first match a official came up to me and asked do you want to try out for the state team. I said yes and filled out the form. The Footsal competition went well and my team ended up coming third. A few weeks later I went to the trial and found out that I made it! I was so hyped but in the same year I was also part of the state X-Country team so I could only choose one. My choice was made for me as the Footsal National Event was unfortunately cancelled due to covid so that ended that. Even though that got cancelled I found Footsal really fun so I am enrolled in a team this summer with Finlay Mische and a couple others. Overall I’ve had a long and enjoyable soccer/footsal journey and I cant wait for what is to come.

Running (Cross-Country)
Ever since I was young I was proved different when I was around other kids my age when I was playing. It seemed that I could keep on running and doing outdoor activities for a longer time than my friends and my mum realised that and enrolled me for state running. I had always enjoyed longer distances and in my first state race I got 6th and was rewarded with a Mr Whippy’s soft serve afterwards. This sparked me to get better. I continued doing the runs and my times were gradually getting better. I stopped doing the weekend state runs after a year to focus on my other sports like soccer and AFL. When I first came to All Saints College my first Cross-Country there was a 1.5 kilometre and I won by 6 seconds. After that I advanced to the interschool competition which was at Bunbury Cathedral Grammar which I came first. I felt good about myself for this was the first time I had won a interschool competition. The results of this year repeated for the next 2 years until senior school. In 2021 I did a State Cross Country team trial and came third. This got me into the team. I went on the trip and enjoyed myself with the other competitors. The run was good but not my type cause we an in muddy water for most of the time. It was still a good experience and it was my first state team experience. Overall I’ve had a long and pretty successful running career and cant wait for what is to come.
Thanks for reading my Current Sports page and I hoped you enjoyed it!