Project Utopia was about redeveloping an area of Fremantle Port and showing our learning through a vision board. I enjoyed the project because it goes into real life rather than a made-up project. I learnt many new and important things that I can use in the future. This made me feel like I had a physical goal to achieve when ideating how how a redesigned Fremantle port will look like. My group decided to do a recreational green space because there isn’t much greenery around Fremantle port. I used several of the All Saints College capabilities which included: organization, leadership, collaboration, and communication.

Throughout the duration of the project, I feel that my organisation skills were high. I was able to stay on track and keep progressing through the project. I showed good organisation skills when their was a tour of the Fremantle Port where I took notes and pictures of the surroundings. This is so I could understand what I would be working with. Also, during the late stages of making the vision board I realised that we still had lots of work to do. This led to me being proactive and bringing home the vision board so I could complete it. Overall, I feel that my organisation skills were high and I helped my group strive forward in the project.

I think that my groups collaboration skills at first were lacking and not very effective because it was clear that all of my group members wanted to talk about was tiktok and YouTube videos. This wasn’t great because it meant that I couldn’t engage with my group members and get their thoughts and ideas. This led to our group falling behind which put me under unnecessary stress to do their parts in time. Although it started off shaky I feel that when everyone realised that we had to show people our work in about two weeks we started engaging with each other more and we progressed faster. This enhanced our collaboration as we were working together for a common goal. In conclusion I feel that my groups collaboration lacked at the start but as the project progressed are collaboration skills did as well.

I feel that when I was talking to my group members and audience I communicated really well, my group wasn’t stubborn meaning that everyone could agree. This was good because it made me feel that I wasn’t forced to do something that I didn’t want to do rather something that my whole group had agreed on. This helped me progress and get to a good position when the showcase came. The showcase was when visitors came to the school to view what each group had accomplished. At the showcase I feel that my group and I showed good communication skills when presenting. Our visitors could understand what we were saying and made the most out of our presentation which made me feel like I did a good job communicating with them. In conclusion I feel that I communicated effectively with my group members and audience well.
In conclusion I feel that throughout ProjectUtopia I was able to put many capabilities to use such as organisation, communication and collaboration. This project has taught me that using capabilities makes people happier therefore resulting in a better outcome. I will be able to use what I learnt from ProjectUtopia so myself and others can thrive in the future.
This is an Image of our group communicating about Project Utopia! This is an image of my whole group at the showcase ready to present! This is an image my teacher showing me an idea for the project on my computer! This is an image of what my groups final Vision Board looked like!
By Eli Saratsis