Sleek Geeks Science Competition!

What is the Sleek Geeks Competition, and what did we do for it?

The sleek geeks competition is a science competition where you got to make a video about anything to do with change. My partner was Conor Stevens and we chose to make our video about climate change. This is because we both felt like it was important and that it is important to share our views.

Group Communication and Collaboration

Conor and I worked well together as we were well planned. We had a Word document where we could collaborate and share and make new ideas. We worked out who did what due to our individual skill sets. So I ended up doing the research and script and Conor was in charge of putting all the parts together and making the video.

Were their any problems in this process.

Yes. Conor was away sick for every lesson apart from the first couple so it left me to do lots of work in a small space of time. The way I adapted to this was to always check on how Conor was going and to see if he was feeling good enough to do some work. This helped as he could do some work, if not in the classroom.

Time Managements

Our group managed our time by always saying what we wanted to get done before the lesson had finished. This enabled us to use one of the habits: “Beginning with the end in mind” so we could always have a goal. This helped us try are hardest at all times.


If I could do this project again I would have a larger group. This is because if one of them were sick then their would still be more people to do the work, rather in my case when one man was down it left one person to carry the load. I think that this was a great opportunity to make a video about something that I cared about and was important.

By Eli

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