Introduction: What we did for our Health Assessment

For our health assessment we used drunk goggles and Mario Kart to give people a realistic experience to what it’s like to drive being drunk. This gave people an insight to how hard it is to focus when you are drink driving and how unsafe it is. We chose to do this because people know what Mario Kart is and would want to come to our stall. By coming we could inform lots of people about the dangers of Binge Drinking while them having a good time. I hope that you enjoy my 2022 Binge Drinking Health Assessment.
What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?
I think that I learnt 5 major things throughout the process of this assessment being related to groupwork and knowledge about binge drinking. I learnt how big of an issue binge drinking is, how it can impact you, who and why you binge drink and how important communication can be in group tasks.
The first major thing that I learnt was how big of an issue binge drinking was. Before this assessment I knew very little about the concept of binge drinking, and when I learnt more about it I was shocked to learn about how many people did it and the effect that it had on them. These affects than led to their long-term enjoyment of their lives decreasing dramatically. Through researching about Binge drinking, I can tell that it is a big issue, and that people should not do it even though it may be seemed as “cool”.
The second major thing that I learnt was how Bine drinking can affect your life short, long, and indirectly. This was one of the sections that I researched thoroughly and found it shocking about all the ways that you can suffer from binge drinking. A short-term effect on binge drinking could be: heart failure and alcohol toxicity. These 2 things could end or make your life painful and sad. A long-term impact could be increased risk of cancer and dying (like 2,300 people who Binge drink each year). These like before would eventually kill you. And an indirect effect of binge drinking is infant death syndrome. This is where a soon to be mother could potentially kill her own baby. This would kill you from the inside and you would be depressed. This proved to me how important it is not to binge drink.
The third thing biggest think that I learnt was who and why people binge drink. I learnt that people often Binge drink to cope with their personal life situations. Through binge drinking it temporally relieves you of the stress or sadness you are facing. This then would affect you in the future as it can affect your health in the future. I took away from this that even if your down you shouldn’t drink s it can affect you in the future.
The final thing that I took away from this assessment was how important communication was in a group. This is because some group members were away, and I was away for a week. We still did really well because we always kept in touch with each other to know other group members situations. This helped us get all our work done and be prepared for the presentation. This proved to me how important group communication is.
What is one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers above all else? Why?
The one piece of advice that I would pass on to other teenagers is that you should not do things regarding alcohol to impress or keep up with your friends. This is because you could end up doing something that could harm yourself to impress others. These days people want to impress there friends to make them look cool. This can make them do things that go against their instincts. Through doing this, it seems cool at the time but then you look bac at it and see your silliness. This is the case for this. You could drink alcohol to impress or fit in with your friends, but you shouldn’t. You should do the right thing, even if it’s not what others are doing to keep you safe.
Write down a pledge that you will commit to if you start drinking alcohol (at the legal age of 18 years). Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments.’
I pledge to not drink under the legal age of 18 and when/if I drink to be careful with the amount that I am drinking. I picked these things because up until you’re an adult your brain is still developing and alcohol and stop and change it will negatively affect your future. I will commit to this because don’t want this to happen to me when I am older, so I won’t drink under 18. I put in the “not drinking too much” part because I know the consequences and affects that can happen if you drink to much. These can be short, long or indirect effects. These effects can ruin your life and make it really had to enjoy your life. I will commit to this because I don’t want my life to turn miserable because I drunk too much alcohol. That is my pledge.

In conclusion I feel that this assessment has increased my and others knowledge about the topic of Binge Drinking. By learning about this topic I am more aware about the consequences and dangers of Binge Drinking. I think that this was a great Health project and would love to do a similar thing again. I hope that you enjoyed my 2022 Health Reflection.
By Eli