Hello for anybody who didn’t already know my name is Eli Saratsis and I was a year in the 2021. I will be recording some of the ways I used collaboration, communication and much more from my year as a year 7. Term 1 I was excited for the year to come as it would […]
Category: Uncategorised
Christmas Market Reflection
Introduction The Christmas market was an amazing opportunity where my capabilities grew and my design thinking knowledge grew. Throughout the process of the Market my group had to use different economic concepts to make sure that our product sold. Our groups product was Laser cut wooden ordaments. Define Thinking Process Empathise There was lots times […]
My Current Sports
AFL I started playing AFL in 2016 for the Applecross Hawks in Auskick. I thrived in the environment and continued playing always giving my best. After my first season we moved house and so my new club was at Bassendean Swans. I enjoyed playing there but then we moved house. Again. So I went to […]
My Visual Arts Reflection
What was this Project About? Our project started in Term 3 when I experienced Visual arts for the first time. Mrs Crimson introduced us to the wood work topic. She gave us the choice of a wood wall work or a sculptor. I chose to do a wall work and this is my final product. […]