Health wellbeing expo

Do you know what ‘me time’ is? When was the last time you had some?

For our health wellbeing expo our task was to identify a problem that teenagers face that can affect their mental health/wellbeing and to find a solution/strategies to enhance wellbeing/raising awareness and to provide strategies to overcome the issue. My group decided for our focus to be on taking time for yourself and to do what you enjoy.

To me taking time for yourself means to be able to have time to reflect on your feelings and to be self-aware. Some things that you could do that involve taking time for yourself include hanging out with friends, doing a hobby/sport such as soccer or art or even something as chill as reading a book or sleeping. But for others it may mean something different according to Jessica Kasparian it doesn’t always include the things that you enjoy doing such as going to doctors appointments or cleaning the house. Although there’s always one general consensus between all of the definitions that it’s about taking care of yourself.

While doing this project some things that we’d learned include the benefits of taking time for yourself. A study completed by Kelton global surveyed over 1,000 people in the U.S.A about how they view self care, how different generations engage in self-care and what stops them from having time for self-care. According to these studies 40% feel that they rarely have time for themselves and 45% of parents and 32% of people without kids don’t have time for self-care and if they do have time then they feel guilty for not doing something. WHO have also now diagnosed burnout as a real medical diagnosis showing the significance of how important it is to take time for yourself.

A piece of advice that I would give to young people about taking time for themselves is to not overfill your schedule or be/feel overwhelmed as it’s not going to help you in the long term. Every week leave gaps to hang out with friends, read a book, get some extra sleep play your favourite game or just doing something that you love. Wellbeing is a real thing and is affecting many negatively so take care of it as it takes care of you.

I pledge to take time for myself and to have at least 30mins of self care during the week and an hour on the weekends/holidays. Some things that I will do include walking my dog, reading a book, playing tennis and cooking. I choose to do these things as I enjoy them all and is a mix depending on how much energy I have and the weather as I can always read a book even when I feel tired, walk my dog which is easy to get motivation for as someone never forgets when it’s time, while playing tennis I can hang out with friends while doing something that I enjoy and get physical activity and cooking I personally find peaceful and eating it after is always enjoyable. It should be easy to stick to these things as they’re already incorporated into my everyday life as I enjoy doing all of them.

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