The design thinking process

The design thinking process is what we used to make our Christmas market. For every stage we followed this process. The process is Emphasise, Ideate, Prototype and test.

The First Phase

The very first thing we did was, interview other people to find out what they wanted for Christmas. This is the emphasise phase, where we find out what others want so we know what to design for our own market. We got given a set of questions to ask, and we interviewed 5 different people from different age groups.

The Second Phase

The second thing we did was, ideate. In our group we all came up with lots of ideas. We then discussed them all until we had narrowed it down to a last few. We discussed all aspects of the top 5 ideas finding out which would be most practical and cheapest.

The Third Phase

This was the prototyping phase. We designed fully designed all aspects, including the size, shape and length of our product. This was important to do as without this we would have no actual design to build for the testing phase

The Final Phase

This was the testing phase. This was when we made all our products, and tested a variety of different possible dangers and hazards, to see if our product would survive them. Our product was a hacky sack, so we threw them against walls, played silent ball with them. Dropped them from varying heights. As well as many other things, to test the strength of our product.

The End

This project was amazing. It helped me develop lots of different skills, including improved communication, teamwork, how to take charge, and many other useful attributes. Though it was a bit challenging to make all our products, with one of our team members unable to make them. But we persevered and put in lots of time. Resulting in us having lots of products to sell. While also being making the second most money in my class.

My Group’s stall

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