The all saints aquaponics program focuses on sustainably growing plants and fish to provide food. We personally choose and monitor the plants we grow, including basil and parsley, two different types of fish. Alongside this we also have a lemon tree, and a hybrid orange and mandarin tree. We also had a worm farm to feed scraps to prevent them from being sent to landfill. The capabilities I relied on and developed included, ethical behavior. I developed this skill as we were often trusted to work at the aquaponics area without teacher supervision. This made me feel empowered and dedicated to showing ethical behavior to not betray that trust. One obstacle we faced was with the worm farm. There were ants getting into the farm and eating the food. We solved this by talking to the groundsmen and putting a slippery substance on the legs of the worm farm to stop the ants from climbing it. The stage of the design thinking process we used the most was ideate, as we spent the first two weeks deciding what plants to use. Overall I loved aquaponics as It was a great place to develop my capabilities and I made tons of great memories during the two terms I spent in it, and would love to continue to doing it.

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