Finished 6 Week plan

My Important Skill

Over my time spent in specialist basketball I have felt numerous improvements in both my game and skill, from improved shooting accuracy to more controlled ball handling, there have been many different overall improvements. However, the most important skill I believe I have learned from the class is how to use teammate positioning to create opportunities. Especially in man-on-man defence situations, you can direct your players to cut through and draw their players with them allowing you a one-against-one with your player. As well as this scenario it has also helped develop my overall vision for passes and plays as if you are constantly looking to create gaps in the defense you are much faster to recognise them. This second aspect of the skill is what I have implemented more into my own game, as I have noticed recently in my domestic games I am much faster to recognise possible passes and plays that I would not have seen before the class.

Most Important Class

I believe the most important class that I think I learned the most from was the recovery course. This course went through an overview of the most efficient ways to recover from injuries as well as the importance of recovery on a smaller level. It also taught us some strategies for assisting with recovery and what is most important for it. I learned that to maximise efficiency in gaining muscle and fitness it is important to take recovery and rest days, as after stressing your muscles you must allow them time to heal and strengthen to new levels of capability. If you continuously work then you will never allow your muscles to heal and strengthen. It also taught me the importance of sleep and getting sufficient amounts of it. This will all impact me in the future as it will help me be more efficient in my own training to get the most possible out of it, along with getting more out of my sleep.

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