My Letter to the MP

About Our Task

In this task we were assigned to find a issue in our area in in Australia. Once we had done this we were to research about our issue and find out information about out topic and how we could ether solve it how the government could help to fix this issue. After this we were to write a letter to someone in the government who might be incharge of this eg. I sent my letter to Mr patrick Gorman who is the MP of WA because this problems was a state problem and he is the head of our state. The issue i have chosen is shark culling because shark are very wonderful amazing creates and should not be mistreated and killed in the way the have and are being treated.

Shark Culling

Shark culling is a problem that most of the world has solved by illegalising it but Australia hasn’t quite yet. Shark culling is when shark are captured and/or then killed with fishing nets or drumlines. This usually happens to protect people who swim in the ocean from attacks and bites which might seem to be really good however many harmless shark have been killed. This fact has been supported in many ways one being that there are about 180 species of shark and only about 3 are responsible for attacks and bites but the government are killing all shark harmful or not.

My Letter

Finlay Mischke

19 Hall Road,


Mr Gorman

20 Hill Street,


20 May 2022

Dear Mr Gorman,

I am concerned about the safety of some sea animals. This mainly being sharks and the effort of shark culling. Shark culling is when sharks are captured and killed usually for the safety of citizens in the ocean. This might sound very helpful however I am here to tell you otherwise and why this should be illegal.  This issue started in about 1962 with shark being killed with drumlines and fishing nets with isn’t a very pleasant way to go out for the shark.

Shark culling can result in many ways and very few of those would be good outcomes to this problem.  One of these is all the prey a shark feeds on. If there were little to no sharks, there would be a major outburst in population of fish and smaller creatures. This could cause many things like a overpopulated ocean which means for fish to feed which would cause less smaller fish and less things like kelp or seaweed or other things they might feed on. This could overall result in a harmful outcome to the environment and other inhabitants of the ocean.

If you’re not convinced enough yet lets, get into my second point of why shark culling should be illegal.  As much as I’m on board with protecting our wonderful beaches this is a very cruel thing to do to many harmless sharks. If your thinking, how are they harmless out of all about 375 species of shark only about 12 are actually considered as a threat or are dangerous to humans and only about 3 are greatly deadly and responsible for attacks and bites. And if that isn’t enough in the year 2017 it was five times more likely that you would be struck by lightning, which is already a pretty low chance, than be attacked or bitten by a shark.

Due to these reasons, I have stated the fact that Australia is the only country who is yet to illegalize shark culling and that animal cruelty should not be tolerated for any animal, I believe we should put action into making shark culling illegal in Western Australia. This can be done in a couple simple ways starting with that the government and MPs of each state and local area are mostly responsible for shark culling as they let it through. This could be changes by simple saying no the lettings people kill sharks and putting in laws preventing citizens from culling sharks. Thank you Mr Gorman for your concern.

Your Sincerely,

Finlay Mischke

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