Media Project

The Prodigy

Our storyboard

This production was about a young boy who loves basketball. This boy is called adam and he was amazing at the sport and was a true prodigy for basketball. His parents however did not believe you could make a living playing sports and wanted him to follow an academic pathway instead. His grades weren’t very good so his parents got him a tutor over the school holidays in hope he could improve his grades. Over time he got better but not by a lot and his parents were still disappointed in him. His friend however new how talented adam was and if you set his mind to it he could be one of the all time greats. His friend Fin convinced him to skip his tutoring and to play basketball instead. Adam listened and started playing basketball instead behind his parents back. After a while his parents found out and confronted him at the basketball courts after school one day. He was supposed to be in tutoring so his parents weren’t impressed. After a bit of convincing adam and his friend fin were allowed to stay for an extra 5 mins and in this time adam had to prove to his parents that he had a real chance. Adams parents were very impressed and allowed him to follow his dreams after a lightbulb moment. Adam then grows up to become a famous NBA player and one of the best at his sport. Adam parents were proud of him.

An image of our film at the production

Our idea for this production took us a while to think of. We came up with this idea by first coming up with a base topic which for us was basketball. Since we knew we wanted to do something related to basketball and we needed a lightbulb moment in the film as that was the requirements for this project. We came up with the idea of someone realising how good someone else is at basketball. Through this we were thinking about parents who didn’t believe in that you could not do sports as a job and were very strict on getting good grades in his academic subjects but he was very good at basketball and his dreams were to play in the NBA.

The process we went through in this production was quite long. It took us a few weeks to come up with a good idea and then we had to write our script, give out roles and create a good summary of the story to show what would happen. After we had completed all of this it was time to film. Through hard work and focus we were able to complete all of our scenes in a quick time which gave us more time to edit. Editing was hard as we had a lot of green screen we had to edit in and also a lot of clips to go through for each scene. After finding all the right clips we put them together and edited it down to our good cut. We then had to find music and sound effects that we needed and then cut them own to the right size and put them in. We then made sure all our green screen scenes were well edited and went through the whole video to proof everything.

An image of out film at the production

Through this production we encountered many obstacles and challenges. One of these being some of the members of our group were away at different times causing us to miss some important filming time. Another problem we encountered was what role each person would fill. This was a challenge as some people wanted to play the same role as others so it took us some time to figure out who would be best for each role. A third obstacle we encountered was our time management as we had limited time to do our production. This was stressful as we were very rushed on time to complete the entire production however we managed to get it done thanks to some group members putting in some extra time outside of class with editing.

If we had to do one thing differently when making this production we would try get our idea narrowed down quicker. This is because we spent to much time figuring out our idea as we knew we wanted to do something basketball themed however we all had different ideas about that topic and wanted to do different things in different parts of the script. This meant that the script and storyline took us a lot of time and wasted a lot our time for filming. Although this helped us to get our ideas refined and better I believe we still could have done this a lot quicker.

The way we came up with our idea is we wanted to do something related to basketball as we liked basketball but we weren’t sure how or what do do. The topic was lightbulb moment so we knew we had to have something in the film that resembles a lightbulb moment from someone. After some brainstorming we came up with the idea of the parents realising how good there son was at basketball but still were not sure about all the scenes. After some more brainstorming we all had different ideas about the film so we put our ideas together worked out a film we all liked and had a part in. This is where we came up with the idea of a boys parents wanting him to do academics but him wanting to play basketball. His parents then realise how good he is at basketball which is the lightbulb moment of the film and his parents then letting him pursue basketball.

Here is a link to the film : The Prodigy

Here is the link to our script and summary: Summary of Story.docx

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