Self-aware (Rock climbing)
At the start of term 3, we started rock climbing. Within this, we learned how to tie multiple knots. These were an overhand knot, Reef knot, Figure of eight knots, Figure of eight on the bight, Clove hitch, Figure of eight follow-throughs, Bowline and the Alpine butterfly. Once we had learned these knots we could begin climbing on the climbing. When climbing you had to be very self-aware, this is because you had to make sure that the belayer was keeping up with you and that you were always communicating with them.
While on camp we did rock climbing and abseiling. This was quite challenging because it was raining and windy. While abseiling I ended up going upside. This was really funny when this happened and I ended up laughing the whole way down. There was also rock climbing which was quite difficult. There were three different climbing walls I did 2 out of the three. I made it about halfway up one of them and then came down. I had to be very self-aware when trying to climb these rock walls because all the water and moss on them making the rocks slippery. Overall the experience I had rock climbing was really fun and would definitely do it all again.

Resilience (Bush cooking)
At the beginning of term 3, we began learning how to light fires, chop wood and cook on fires. We learned three ways to light a fire these include Teepee, Log Cabin and Pyramid. You also need three things tinder, kindling and fuel. During our time bush cooking, we had to be very Resilient. This is because most days when we had to light our fires it had rained the night before or it was very windy. This made it quite hard to get the fire started. But despite this, we got our fires started and coo some pretty good food.
While on camp we had to cook our food on the fires as we had done school. It was a lot harder on these two nights as a lot of the wood and the fire pits were wet. The first night especially as it had been raining all day. Our cooking group had to light our fire four times due to the tinder and kindling being damp and wouldn’t catch alight. One our fires were lit though we cooks some great food and had some really fun times just sitting wound the campfire.

Camp (Leave no trace)
During our camp at the start of term 4, we had to really focus on the subject of leave no trace. `This means that we had to leave the campsite how we found it and try our best to make as little impact as possible. This included us setting up our tents on durable surfaces, meaning that we didn’t set up our tents in shrubs or small bushes. We planned ahead by removing as much packaging as we could when packing our food. Disposing of our waste properly by containing all our rubbish in one area then moving it all to the big bins at once. Leaving what we find was very important as we didn’t want to disrupt an ecosystem or environment by taking things home with us. When our fires had been lit and we had finished cooking we made sure not to put any more wood on the fire. This made sure that it could burn down to ash and there wouldn’t be wood that was burnt and could be used again. The last leave no trace principle that we followed was respecting wildlife, this meaning that we didn’t feed and animals or touch them.

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