“Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Damon Richards

What I do:

For service, I work/ help out at Rossmoyne Bowling Club. Every Monday I have off [holidays] I go and Help out. I usually make/ prepare morning tea for the people there, but on special occasions such as Birthdays, Christmas, or Easter, I make lunches and morning tea’s for around 80 people or more. On the Mondays I help out/ work I feed the workers/ supporters/ and bowlers/ These people are all grand parents 50 and up. They also host parties and conferences there. The grand parents are very nice and active, which I find inspirational. I also help by putting up decorations and set tables with many nice or fancy decorations.

“Communication may be the one thing that makes or breaks a relationship.”

Shep Hyken


I enjoy working and helping Rossmoyne Bowling Club because I love seeing them them all happy together on there breaks from fixing things and finance for the club. Rossmoyne Bowling Club is a fun and entertaining club that is very enjoyable, and they are all so easy to talk to and start a friendship with, I’ve met a lot of amazing people [maybe not world wide, but heart wide.] Seeing the smiles on so many faces makes me proud and happy. I always take up the opportunity when the time come. To help out.

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