Rossmoyne bowling club
Throughout numerous years, on holidays or public holidays throughout the year, I go down to Rossmoyne Bowling Club on a Monday morning, with my grandparents and help make the morning tea for the men and women who worked there. On special occasions, we also prepare and cook lunch (Christmas festivals, easter festivals, pennants etc.). I help prepare the food, set table and put-up decorations for carnivals and celebrations, and I also help clean up the area. Doing this role made me very happy as I got to help people that helped their community.
2021 Junior School Captain
In 2021, I achieved the role of Junior School Captain. During my course as the Junior School captain, I would get students from many years involved in activities, and I would spend time with different classes so I could know the students better. I also spent time preparing carnivals and organising Well-being days. I made a connection with the staff and students and made a difference in the community.
2022 Year 7 Class Representative
In 2022 I received the role of a Year 7 Class Representative. As a Year 7 leader, I made it my goal to talk with my students, put many ideas on the table, get people involved, and organise activities and my classroom so that the students could have a great time in year 7. I made closer relationships with my peers and worked together with other representatives across the cohort. Year 7 can be scary for people, being new to all the rules and assessments, so I tried my best to bring confidence and comfort to the year 7’s, giving them an enjoyable experience in transition.