The capabilities we used for Project Utopia
-Problem solving
The giver
The giver was out first start to Project Utopia. We read this book in English in term 2. This book was about a boy named Jonas who lives in a ‘perfect’ world. As the word Utopia meant (perfect place.) They were not aloud to show emotion and did not have any memories but Jonas wanted to change that. After reading the giver all of us started thinking about how a perfect world.
Vision Board
We then got into small groups and started planning ideas on a perfect society. Things like the greenspace, the transport, housing, fun and recreation, etc, was some of the first things we first looked at. Our group had lots of ideas like trams, parks, markets, Canal housing, solar panels and more. We had to make sure that everything was sustainable. After figuring out some things we thought we be good to add into a Utopia every group then started making vision boards that would we do a presentation to our grandparents. For creating our vision board we had to problem solve a lot. Our first design we didn’t like and so didn’t our teacher. It was quite messy and just didn’t look presentable. We had to problem solve so we just decided to scrap that vision board and start over another one but we didn’t have enough time so one of us had to go and finish it at home. After finishing our vision boards we presented them to our grandparents to get feedback and ideas.
All of our class came together to all put our ideas together to find what ones are the best option for Fremantle. We had to make sure our ideas where realistic and would be sustainable and good for the community. After getting ideas half of our class the started making a real life Fremantle map our of cardboard and others started on cospace. Cospace was a program where we could create our fremantle ideas and present them
After all of us put finished our cospace and main big cardboard Fremantle map it was time to present in front of the whole class. I was in a group with Sedley, Shaan and Shawn. The main thing IU was presentation was the Fremantle amphitheatre. Before presentation I was very scared hoping I wouldn’t mess up. but at the end of it it actually wasn’t that bad. Before presentation I spent nights making sure I have fully memorized my palm cards so it would be easier to present. After we presented in class and started to understand how we would present we presented to the parents. We then presented to the parents. But sadly I was absent.
For me, Project utopia was a very fun project. I got to work with lots of people I usually wouldn’t work with. I feel like when we presented It has made it easier for me to present in the future. All of my groups had a very hard time with some things and we had to problem solve a lot in the project.
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