The start
Before the Christmas market in huminites all year 7 learnt about how business works, economics, pricing decisions. Learning this helped us think about what we would price our ideas and how to Christmas market would work. We also learnt about the role consumer and producer. In the case of the Christmas market we would be the producers. All the classes also learnt about a game names Skelton island but I was absent for it.
Our ideas
We had lots of different ideas such as Keychains, candles and recycled terrains . Me and my groups main first ideas was recycled water bottle terrains. At first we thought our idea was good but then Ms Shaw gave us reasons its not and then we decided to scrap that idea because we wouldn’t be able to make enough and it was too hard. Our second option was to make bath salts but then Ms Shaw told Mackenzie we could do her old dog treat idea. We decided to stick to the dog treat idea because it would be easy to make and since we had all the materials we needed to make the dog treats.

My experience
We first started our Christmas market experience in period 4. All of the groups figured out where our stall was located. My group and I were quite happy where our stall was located because it was right near where the year 5’s and 6’s enter from meaning that could lead us to getting more sales. It took a while for me and my group to figure out how we would set out our dog treats so it looks neat’s and appealing to the people who walk past. We added plants, candles and added a box in the middle for all of the dog treats to go into. We started seeing our first few people coming from the junior school. After a while the only thing my group got was some weird looks so we decided to make the price from $5 to $4. A teacher was our first buyer. When the price was set to $4 we only made around $8 and we didn’t have a lot of time so we needed to set out price cheaper. We set our price to $3 and that’s when we started making profit. We ended up with around $35 at the end of the Christmas market. Overall I think I learnt a lot about business and how to sell things at the Christmas market and this experience was very fun.

Trying to figure out what was the best price to set our dog treats was one of our biggest challenges. We had to make sure our prices weren’t too cheap or too expensive. If our prices where too cheap we wouldn’t be able to make a profit. If our prices where too expensive people people would not want to spend as much money on buying our dog treats.

-Problem solving
Me and my group had to use problem solving to figure out how we could make a profit. We lowered our price. Starting at $5 and ending at $2.
We organised by all of the group members making sure we all had something to do. I was dehydrating our dog treats and Sedley and Mackenzie where making the packaging. We all had to make sure we brought things for our table design to make our stall look appealing.
-We were all showed collaboration by working together and communicating with each other to be able to make our dog treats and put together our stall. We showed collaboration through this whole experience of starting a business.
Our group showed resilience by whenever our ideas didn’t work we always tried again.

Design thinking Process
Empathise – First we started by empathising trying to figure out what people would like to be sold at the Christmas market.
Define – Lots of people forget there dogs on Christmas and forget to buy there dogs anything so if we make dog treats they could get there dog a present.
Ideate – We started to generate and think about ideas of what we could sell. We went through 3 main ideas. Our first idea was to make recycled terrains which would not work due to many problems. Our second idea was bath salts. We were going to make bath salts until Ms Shaw gave us the idea of doing Mackenzie’s old dog treats.
Prototype – Me and my dad made a first batch of dog treats a few days before the Christmas market. I was very sick when we made them so my dad took them to school for Sedley and Mackenzie to make our first few packages of dog treats.
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