Haraen Veeramachaneni

Student Portfolio

Wayne’s World NH city

Cool Stuff !

Every city needs to have cool things. Cool stuff allow people to relax and have fun in our city. Our city is still in progress but has a couple of cool stuff. We have a dock with boats for people to enjoy the lake and a beautiful view of Mushroom City. We have an underground SWAT area for people to view for free and many other things that have not been built yet.


If we are being honest NH city isn’t that much of a rich city. We have 3 stacks of tulips which is not that many but we are constantly looking for other opportunities to make money. Wealth is a key component of a good city. If a city is poor they don’t have good faciilites or government and that can .


In NH city we have a tricameral parliament system. The first house will be the house that receives the laws and will have 16 seats. Second house will be the house that checks the laws and either declines it or sends it to the third house and has 21 seats. The third house receives the laws from the second house and checks them thoroughly and declines them or publishes them to the city and has 34 seats. After publishing the laws, departments implement these laws. Examples are the Department of Greens which is the body that works to make sure all the animals are living in a safe environment and they try to deduct the amount of nature being removed. The Mining Department is in my city because there will be material ores in mines, and we would need to ensure that all the ore is safely removed and to make sure that the public cannot go within the distance of the mining site of 3 km


Inclusive cities ensure the working poor have access to secure and dignified livelihoods, affordable housing, and basic services such as water/sanitation and electricity supply. Inclusivity is really important as it ensures the citizens are living nicely regardless of their gender or colour of their skin. NH city has a Hospital that people can walk in for free. If the poor who barely make 30 bucks a day have to pay $3000 for a basic consultation, the government. We have public parks and pet parks because wellbeing of our living beings is really imprtant to our cities. We have a library where people can borrow and read books and have a relaxing quiet time.

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