Christmas market reflection

My experience with the Christmas market – my experience with the Christmas market project was quite odd since this year my group made a mistake and forgot to do a vital thing and forgot to refrigerate the dog treats and we trashed most of our entire idea. Doing this really limited are products since we only had 12 dog bandanas as they wear a side product doing this made the Christmas markets hard for my group. We took the initiative to not sell the treats to avoid any problems that would come from them. However, we had no idea if we could even sell of make profit from the bandanas. Although are idea got scrapped, we still made quite an decent profit and we had enough to pay back the loan.

The pricing strategies we used was premium pricing and phycological pricing. premium pricing is when u charge more than the product is worth, phycological pricing is when you use .99 or .95 to make the price seem less than it actually is. My group used premium pricing because we were the only group creating bandanas so there is no reason to lower the price when their is no competition. We used phycological pricing to make the over priced products seem a lot cheaper than they are.

This is our spread sheet (sales/losses), we made quite a good profit especially science we had to get rid of majority of our idea.

This is my poster, for my poster I have chosen and select few of visual techniques to reach a variety of audiences. I have used strong bold text so that it stands out and try to notice it. I have placed the logo in the top corner so when you go to read the text you notice it and know that this is our product. I have chosen the dog in the background to kind of guilt them into buying them by thinking that their dog will be upset if they don’t get them. The writing at the tops colours where chosen to contrast the banner so you notice it better and it doesn’t just fade away. Therefore, the overall theme of my poster is that dog will feel sad or upset when you don’t buy the treats or bandanas.

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝒿𝑒𝒸𝓉 𝒰𝓉𝑜𝓅𝒾𝒶

In year seven cohort this year, we are doing a project called project utopia. project utopia is linked to many subjects but mainly linked with English and innovatED There are quite a few projects inside this massive idea of the “perfect” living space, we did a vision board to show off the ideas you have creative within the time given later we also created a co space to show what we would place on Fremantle. a few weeks later we started creating a visual copy of what we were to place onto Fremantle, however we did have very limited resources, we made it work.

Visiting Fremantle

in term two on the seventeenth on a Tuesday we went to visit the land that is being moved. at the start of this project, we went on a bus ride around Fremantle to see in person what we were working with, the bus ride could have been improved as it was quite short and not have enough time to look at everything and under stand scale which was a massive problem, as not many groups understood the scale correctly. However, we still worked with what we were given.

The Start

This is how it started. We started off reading the book ‘the giver’ which is about being forced into a “perfect” environment, this book is when we first started getting the idea of a ‘perfect reality there was a few projects linked to ‘the giver’ but that’s irrelevant to project utopia. after we finishes ‘the giver’ a few weeks later we got introduced the project utopia. We also started to work on listing aspects of the project including sustainability, housing, green spaces and transport. we had to list what we were to include in the project. the aspect of sustainability was used when creating houses or electricity as some houses are created with materials that may create an lasting harm to the ecosystem around it, away to make houses sustainable is by using eco-friendly materials including gravel, steel, geo cloth and plants.

Vision board

After we finished doing a brainstorm on the aspects of this project, we got to work, we made a 2D version of the vision board before we started gluing stuff on. On the vision, we were not just placing random pictures they had to have a meaning that links the over all project. Linking it I found quite hard as you have to find quite specific houses or roads that fit into the style of Fremantle, you also had to limit the number of words, so you had to find meaning in the pictures and explain it in a script instead of on the board. my vision board group focused on housing and making it affordable but not to cheap, We were also trying to make the houses sustainable and made of possibly recycled shipping containers but we were informed that that was not a great idea as the don’t retain heat that well but when they do they can over heat which makes them not the ideal living space.

Connected learning =D

In Connected learning in this rotation we created many projects, however I will be talking about only one, which is an poster that we did earlier in this session. when we were creating the project there wasn’t many challenges as it was a fairly easy task, however as someone who hasn’t used canva that often there was a few challenges such as finding the correct images without making it to complicated and figuring out how to save it as that somehow became a challenge. some of the pros while creating this project was probably what i got out of it because it created a opportunity to be more organised and to try something new. this project and connected learning rotation was probably my favourite as mindfulness didn’t really do projects, which made this a quite fun rotation.

🦈(my project of an fish tank planer)🐠

~ 🌫 Renewable Resources ☀ ~

~Wind power~

The terms “wind energy” and “wind power” both describe the process on how wind turns into energy. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into other words wind power is an alternative energy source. This means that the power of the wind can be used in place of other energy sources such as coal, oil, and nuclear reactions. Wind can be used to produce electricity that heats homes and lights streets and buildings. Wind power is harnessed by a machine called a wind turbine.

Wind power - Wikipedia

~Solar Power~

Solar energy is a renewable, inexhaustible and affordable form of energy. It can be used to cook food, heat water, and generate electricity. Furthermore, electrical energy generated from solar energy can be stored in solar cells. Solar energy is in other words, the energy given off by the sun’s rays. Plants use sunlight to produce their own food by a process called photosynthesis. Using the sun’s rays plants transform water and carbon dioxide into fuel to grow, and breathe out oxygen in the process.

Solar Power: Energy Source Fact File! - Fun Kids - the UK's children's  radio station

~ Grey Water Recycling/Water cycle 💦~

 Grey water is the relatively clean water from taps, sinks and other water appliances. Grey water recycling is when you use this clean-ish water and use it in other appliances instead of using clean water. how u can recycle it is by, first using a filter to get out the solids that may have got in the water, then u can use it in gardens, toilets and washing machines however, never use toilet water in washing machines..

Plumbing Water Explained: Blackwater vs. Greywater vs. Whitewater

Here are some effects humans do to the water cycle!

1. pollution, pollution effects water by choking and killing the wild life and also can create a layer on the top stopping evaporation to accrue. How to avoid this is to take part in activity’s which incudes picking up waste in your area and !!!don’t litter!!!.

  1. Dam, Dams effects the cycle by timing of flows. They can release water for energy which can delay and mess up the water cycle. These irregular releases destroy natural seasonal flow variations that trigger natural growth and reproduction cycles in many species.
😔 The image above shows a dam being released 😔
😥The image above shows water pollution 😥

~Visual Art Map~

For Visual art we created maps as you can see in the images below, this classes cooperation was quite ok however the class itself is quite loud. apart from being loud the class has its ups and down but i really enjoys this project as its a nice way to create art without drawing or painting and its different and unique.

there was also many people talking a bit to much wich wasn’t really preventable. as we created this artwork we also created some kind of friendship between each other.

we had many different pins however only got to use 2 and we had many strings but could only use one.

~Quotes because why not~

~You can’t use an old map to explore a new world (Albert Einstein)~ ✨ ~A map does not just chart, it unlocks and formulates meaning; it forms bridges between here and there, between disparate ideas that we did not know were previously connected(Reif Larsen)~

~term 1 reflection📔~

this term has been wonderful although the so called camp was shortened to 1 day the new school experience has been a wonder. I met many people including Emily, Chloe, Riyani and Hannah and many more. I really enjoy coming and sitting in different classes instead of sitting and talking to the same teacher. we did many thigs in our house groups and i reaky injoyed that and hope it stays like that.

thank you for your time !

Kind Regards Hayley Walker (7z)

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