~ Grey Water Recycling/Water cycle πŸ’¦~

 Grey water is the relatively clean water from taps, sinks and other water appliances. Grey water recycling is when you use this clean-ish water and use it in other appliances instead of using clean water. how u can recycle it is by, first using a filter to get out the solids that may have got in the water, then u can use it in gardens, toilets and washing machines however, never use toilet water in washing machines..

Plumbing Water Explained: Blackwater vs. Greywater vs. Whitewater

Here are some effects humans do to the water cycle!

1. pollution, pollution effects water by choking and killing the wild life and also can create a layer on the top stopping evaporation to accrue. How to avoid this is to take part in activity’s which incudes picking up waste in your area and !!!don’t litter!!!.

  1. Dam, Dams effects the cycle by timing of flows. They can release water for energy which can delay and mess up the water cycle. These irregular releases destroy natural seasonal flow variations that trigger natural growth and reproduction cycles in many species.
πŸ˜” The image above shows a dam being released πŸ˜”
πŸ˜₯The image above shows water pollution πŸ˜₯