Re-designing Fremantle Port
In term 3, The Year 7’s were given the opportunity to re-design the Fremantle port. The goal was to make a more sustainable city where all people can thrive. We needed to include the UN global goals and the livability factors in the process.
At the end of term 2, we started reading the book “The Giver”. This book was an example of a type of utopian world. This links to our Fremantle port design because it shows us ways to make sure a community can thrive. In HASS, we started learning about the importance of livability factors and what makes a livable city. The livability factors we learnt about are climate, environmental quality, infrastructure, safety and stability, and access to health care and education. These are all different factors that can contribute to making a convenient and sustainable city. Then it was time to design the port. We were put into groups with 4-5 people and chose an area we wanted to re-design. Our group wanted to include an Aboriginal culture center as our main attraction and have mini pop-up cafes recycled out of the shipping containers at Fremantle. We wanted to educate people on the Aboriginal culture and make everyone feel welcome.
For the UN global goals, my group focused on life on land, climate action, and responsible consumption and production. To do this we made sure the life on land had plenty of plants suited to this particular environment. For climate action, we made sure there was no pollution and we used sustainable energy like solar panels. For responsible consumption and production, we make sure that all food waste goes to compost bins to prevent wastage.
Sustainability is one of the main things that we’re focusing on in the Fremantle development. For our energy sources, we are using solar panels on all our buildings, and we are planning to use algae as biofuel. To ensure that there is no plastic usage and that we’re staying fully eco-friendly we are going to be using paper straws which is a far safer option rather than plastic ones. Metal straws can also be bought at cafes and reused each visit. As for transport, we recommend walking most places or riding bikes/scooters. We will also provide electric scooters, hoverboards, and Segways for a more enjoyable way of transport. For the elderly, we have chosen to use golf carts with assigned drivers to drive them around the development since many elders can’t drive anymore, but they can choose whether they want to drive or not. We chose to replace cars with golf carts as they are electric, so they don’t produce carbon dioxide fumes, they are far easier to use than cars and they don’t harm the environment.
In English, we presented our vision boards along with a speech. We did this so we could have an idea about want we wanted to talk about at the showcase. We needed to make sure that we had a conversation with the parents/special guests instead of presenting a speech. Everyone loved our idea that we had on having a Tim Tam shop with special flavors that are only available at Fremantle port, and our Cadbury café. We also received feedback from people such as adding solar panels on the golf carts to power them and to charge the electric scooters.
At the start of the project, we didn’t have great communication with each other and we would be confused about what we were meant to be doing. At some points, we would get annoyed with each other but as we got further through the process we would all talk at the start of class and make sure we all had a main focus on what we wanted to accomplish at the end of the lesson.
This was all a really fun experience, the Utopia Project taught me so much about how we could make life more sustainable and eco-friendly. It taught me more about the Aboriginal culture and how important it is to also inform others about it too. I was able to work with new people and share my ideas with the group. Overall I learnt all about how you can be more sustainable in your everyday life and also how to work effectively in a group.