I’m Ileri Mejiuni
- Year 7 Christmas MarketIn the christmas market, we showcased how we use our capabilities as we made a businesses hoping to make profit for charity. I was put in a group with Mini Li, Chester Wei and Madhav Haribaskar. Planning We quickly a group chat for us to discuss what product we should make. By doing this we… Read more: Year 7 Christmas Market
- Project Utopia“Project Utopia!” was a two term project where we were given the task to create a perfect world. Luckily, the Fremantle port was being moved to Kwinana, leaving an unused place that we could use make the perfect world, to make our Utopia! Beginning of Project Utopia It started when the Future of Fremantle committee… Read more: Project Utopia
- Media!In Term 1, we had media and we learnt how to use something called premiere pro. While it is very advanced, it is easy to get a hang of. * *Sorry the original one all together was too big so I had to sperate it into two. Even though we weren’t too good at acting,… Read more: Media!
- Global Goal 6 Clean Water and SanitationWe want make sure that all the water in Project Utopia is recycled. We could use the greywater recycling method to save more water. Unlike things here, we have to make sure we don’t have a negative impact on the natural water cycle. We have a negative impact because we create dams, which stops the… Read more: Global Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
- Getting started!Welcome to your brand new portfolio at All Saints’ College. This is a post. To get started, simply edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you. You can create ‘rows’ like this and have multiple columns. This row has two columns, one with an image and is full width.… Read more: Getting started!

I used to be a prefect in my old school, Providence Christian College