
In Term 1, we had media and we learnt how to use something called premiere pro. While it is very advanced, it is easy to get a hang of. *


*Sorry the original one all together was too big so I had to sperate it into two.

Even though we weren’t too good at acting, Premiere Pro’s tools made it look pretty decent. I learnt that sometimes you have to be patient and that you teammates might make mistakes. For example, my teammate accidently zoomed in on a the couch instead of us but we Premiere Pro’s tools, we were able to cut it out.

This helped learn how to work with everyone and how I have to accept people as they are.

It is really great that I have learnt this since I can use to make projects for other subjects, like making a video about explain a concept in HASS.

I learnt that I am ready to step up and I am ready to get in the spotlight.

Thank you for looking at my post!

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