“Project Utopia!” was a two term project where we were given the task to create a perfect world. Luckily, the Fremantle port was being moved to Kwinana, leaving an unused place that we could use make the perfect world, to make our Utopia!
Beginning of Project Utopia
It started when the Future of Fremantle committee came and introduced the topic to us in a really informative presentation. We also went to Fremantle port to get feel of the space. We explored most of the of the space on the bus and we went inside the Maritime Museum. We learnt about a lot of their history. For example, there is line that goes along Fremantle Port that shows where it used to be water. We also learned how an ancient’s crocodile tail became apart of the land after it had been bitten by the rainbow snake
Global Goals

These are goals that the United Nations agreed should be accomplished by 2030. When making project utopia, we also had to keep this in mind because having 17 of the goals fulfilled in the utopia would mean we are on the right track.
The Giver
The giver was a book that we were studying in English. Picked out because its connection to having a perfect world. But as you read the book you learn that the world isn’t so perfect and that it has its own problems.
As a short summary, everyone who is twelve gets a job. Jonas( The main character) is picked to be the receiver of memories. The memories have colour and emotion, something none of the community has. Jonas released that when someone is released they are actually killed. Because he leaves the community, given everyone the memories
To try and break down how they made their perfect world, we compared their community to our all saints community. There were many glaring differences such as when we celebrate our birthdays, what job we have or when we get our job and we get to see colour.
But the biggest difference us and them is that we can have emotion. In the book, it talks about how Jonas felt when he felt love and family for the first time and it changed his thinking forever.

Liveability Factors
In HASS we started learning and studying the liveability factors. These are factors that help understand how liveable a place is.
There are two types of factors. Objective Factors: These are factors that you can measure. Examples are:
- Climate
- Environmental quality
- Infrastructure
- Safety and stability
- Access to health care and education
There are also subjective factors, which depends on the person. Examples are:
- Personal likes and dislikes
- Feeling of connection to friends and family
- Traditions and spiritual connections
Liveability can also change based on the age of the person. For example, a parent might want a place that has a school nearby or a daycare, while someone without children might want a place with job opportunities.
We had to keep all of these things in mind in order to make a good place for all people to enjoy.
Creation Of The Vision Board
We were tasked to make a vision board displaying some of our ideas for the redesign of Fremantle port. I was put in a group with Ari and Chloe. We had to answer question such as what is the transport, what housing is there, how will we respect the specialness of Fremantle, how will we respect the indigenous people, what jobs will there be,how can we make the project sustainable and what can be used for recreation. We decided to focus on recreation, sustainability, jobs, transport and aboriginal respect.
For how can the project be sustainable is the usual grey water recycling, solar panels and hydro power energy. But we found a company called Pavegen, and by using kinetic energy, when you apply pressure to them it makes energy. Here is there website: https://www.pavegen.com/. Using these tiles to make walkways would mean that we could nearly unlimited energy.
For recreational things in the space, we were thinking of adding a mini optus stadium, which in turn would encourage people to come to the museum. They would be a lot of shipping containers left over which we could use for making a big playground, leaving nothing to go to waste.
For transport, E-vehicles would be a very sustainable option and water taxis would mean that you could easily cross over the water. recreational and aboriginal culture, we could have a tram tour. It fits into transport because people could use trams to move all over the space. It is recreational because a great deal of people love learning history, and the history could the aboriginal culture.
Speaking of aboriginal culture, we would have aboriginal cafe with all natural ingredients and we would make a bigger effort to teach people about aboriginal culture. Many jobs would flock in. Jobs such as seafood restaurants, gardeners and buskers.

Making The Model

Instead of having a little group designing the entire Fremantle port, we had our whole class design the fremantle port and assigned little groups to do parts of the project. My group was Madhav, Chester and I.
Our part of the port was going to be turned into a superyacht dock, so we could bring in income for Fremantle. The first part was making sure that each part had the necessary infrastructure to be functional. We made plan on one note of how the dock would look like.
After all of the planning, finally making the model began. We also had make a model on co-space which we at first struggled to use but we got a hang of it after a while. As mentioned earlier, co-space was hard to use, so me and Chester worked on it while did the model.
Madhav got the outline done and the duo of Chester and me added lots of the main bits onto our co-space. using the outline that madhav had made, we were able to add more detail to both the model and our co-space.

On the co-space, Madhav and Chester made sure the roads looked and that everything was mostly to scale. On the model, I stated to use cement dust and a green looking powder to make roads and green area.
We were also able to label the all of the buildings and infrastructure finishing our model. At the same time, we were also making a speech in english to go along with it. Expressing some of our ideas to make the place even better!
The Presentation Day
The day we all been waiting for. The day we had spent the majority of two terms planning for finally came around. We went to the classrooms near the occupied stairs and set everything up. I(being one of the class reps) invited the parents into our classroom and it began.

The one on the bottom and to the left belongs to our group.
After the opening speech we went to our stations and started to present. At first we said our scripts and didn’t really add the audience but that is something we got much better at as the day went on. Madhav, Chester and I all helped each other. I couldn’t stop swaying, but since our feet were covered by the desk meaning they couldn’t see it, Madhav or Chester would stop on my feet to alert that I was swaying too much. We helped Chester remember his script and Madhav helped us with the questions. We got some feedback, like how we should consider putting our place on tourist WA. We got all through all the parents experts, answered all their question and finished the day.

This was a very positive experience. It helped me to collaborate with other people. It also helped with my organisation skills because I had to make sure I got a amount of work done by a certain to make sure that I wasn’t being a deadweight to my team. Speaking of setting work, communication was relevant to make sure we planned together to see who did what work. I think my two groups did this fairly well, and we managed to get work done and done well. Thank you for reading this page!