In Health this semester we had to come up with a healthy role model and a unhealthy role model and explain why they are unhealthy or healthy. Another part of the assessment was that we had to make a house of values, we had to write down our top ten values and give then a percentage on how important each value is to us.
House of values
The image above shows 10 of my core values and how much percent each value makes up of who I am. My most important core value is Love. Then the 2 second most important core values are friends and family, and trust and honesty. Then above those my 3 third most important core values are kindness, loyalty, and happiness. Then at the very top are my 4 fourth most important values, humor, wellbeing, self respect, and team work.
These core values each shape/ effect how I live my live and make decisions. The three values I decided to focus on why they are important to me and how they effect how I live my life is, Team work, Trust and Honesty, and friends and family.
One of my core values is team work. I have chosen team work as a core values because I work better in a team than I do by myself and I think the best ideas are created in a team. Team work means that you are working with other people to achieve a goal. Having team work as a core value effects how I live my day to day life because I am naturally drawn to people and collaborate with others on work.
Another of my core values is trust and honesty. I have chosen trust and honesty as a core value because I think that honesty and having trust in yourself and other people is important and necessary to keep healthy friendships/ relationships. Trust means having reliability and trusting another people. Having trust as one of my core value effects how I live my life because I am almost always honest with others and I have a lot of trust in my friends/family.
Another one of my core values is friends/family. I have chosen this as a core value because it is important to have a group of people you trust around you for support, to make you happy, and to be there for you. Friends are people you meet that you trust and can rely on. Having friends and family as one of my core values effects how I live my life because I will always put my friends and family before myself and want to be around them as much as I can.
Healthy Role model
The healthy role model I have chosen is Emma Watson. Behaviours Emma Watson demonstrates to show she is healthy is that she always expresses her opinion on global issues and speaks up for what she views is right. An example of how she is speaking up for rights is that she is a feminist and works to achieve gender equality and woman’s rights. She is also working towards ending child marriage and has created a fair-trade fashion brand.
Emma Watson is visibly a very healthy person because she is quite slim meaning she gives her body the right nutrients and exercise it needs. She also never smokes or puts any dangerous substances into her body, so she is seen to be very healthy. Emma Watson is also very well dressed all the time and looks very professional meaning she takes time to decide on her outfits and what she wants to look like, and for the world to see her express herself.
Messages Emma Watson promotes are gender equality and to raise awareness of the violence and discrimination woman face all around the world. This is inspiring because she is using her fame that she got from acting to speak up on important issues and helps charities and organisations around the world to help solve big issues. This is very healthy because she is promoting gender equality and fairness to all people, she is raising awareness about big issues and is putting her money into charities and organisations to help solve these issues.
Young people should look up to Emma Watson as a role model because of the amount of time and effort she puts into issues she views as important and that she is using her fame for good and donating huge amounts of her money to charities and this shows young people that you should but others need before your own and help people if she need it. She also shows young people that they should speak up about what they believe in and how much difference it could make to our society.
I think that Emma Watsons core values would be leadership, kindness, generosity, respect, courage, fairness and making a difference. The reason I think leadership is one of her core values is because she is openly talking abut her ideas and how people can help solve global problems and achieve her goals for our society. Why I think kindness is a core value of hers is because she is seen to be kind to everyone online and when she meets people in person, she is always very kind and nice. Generosity is one of her core values because she is always giving away money and her time to put towards issues and problems around the globe. Respect is one of her core values because she is always respectful of other peoples opinions and will always listen to others ideas and make sure what she is saying will not hurt people and she respects that other people have different opinions to her. Courage is one of her core values because she is always speaking up for what’s right and is not scared of the reaction the public might give her and the amount of hate she might receive she still goes and speaks up for woman and other issues. Fairness is one of her core values because she believes that all genders should have equal opportunities and be treated the same, so it gives everybody a fair chance at what they are doing. I think that making a difference is another one of her core values because she wants to make society a better place and for everyone to be treated equally no matter who they are, she also wants the society we live in to be less hateful and for people to except others opinions and/or lifestyle choices.
Unhealthy Role model
The unhealthy role model I have chosen is Jake Paul. Behaviours he demonstrates to show he is unhealthy are back in 2017 his YouTube channel was very popular, and he made the most profit on videos that he was preforming dangerous stunts, for example riding a dirt bike over his pool, lighting a mattress on fire in his garden, smashing glass windows, driving his cars blindfolded and much more. These are all very dangerous stunts and are not healthy to be promoting for young children and shouldn’t be performed without professionals.
Jake Paul is physically very healthy and does a lot of physical exercise which keeps him very fit. But he is covered in random tattoos he chose from spinning a wheel in YouTube videos. He also does professional boxing, so he is always looking very bruised and hurt. There are multiple photos of Jake whilst he is boxing without a teeth guard, so his teeth are quite messed up due to the boxing.
The unhealthy messages Jake Paul promotes is that it is okay for people to demonstrate and try dangerous stunts, it is okay if you damage other people’s properties, disrupt others, and have no respect for the people around you. He also swore a lot on his child aimed YouTube channel, so it was giving children the impression that it is okay to swear and do dumb and dangerous stuff if people think your ‘cool’. Jake Paul also has multiple YouTube videos showing him trespassing into other people properties to ‘explore’, this is showing children that it is okay to break the law and not worry about the consequences of your own actions. All of the messages Jake Paul is promoting to his fans are very unhealthy and unsafe.
Throughout his career, Jake Paul has become the subject of many controversies due to his behaviour including engaging in dangerous stunts, featuring age-inappropriate material for YouTube, getting fired from Bizaardvark (a Disney show), and being charged with criminal trespass. All of these are reasons Jake Paul should not be looked up to as a healthy role model because he makes impulsive decisions and doesn’t worry about the consequences his actions have on himself, the community, and his fans. If people look up to Jake Paul as a healthy role model, they will want to act like him which means they would break the law and engage in dangerous behaviour. This is why Jake Paul is an unhealthy role model and shouldn’t be looked up to.
Not everything we hear, see or read in the media is true because people can edit and manipulate others words to make them look like they did or said stuff they never did and they can get into serious trouble for stuff they didn’t even do. Also a lot of the stuff people see on social media is untrue and all rumours or just fake news so we should believe everything we see because we don’t know he whole story and background details.