What were the biggest things you learned while completing this task?
When researching the facts and other stats for the assignment I learned that binge drinking can cause serious issues and lead to some permanent damage, and not just having a hangover or getting drunk. Some effects are the drunkness part which can lead to stupid decisions being made that can harm yourself and others.
what one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers and why?
I would tell young teenagers that drinking can be done whilst celebrating something in a moderate amount and keeping a check on how much you are drinking, but should not be done in amounts that can cause you to be drunk or get alcohol poisoning. Don’t drink so much just because your friends are doing it or because something tough is happening in your life. I have seen people being drunk before and it is really hard to watch and do, but the people around that person have to take care of that person and be responsible for them so that they do not get in any trouble and it is really hard for people to have to do that at late night.
How did you and your group members work together? what did you do well and what could have been improved?
I feel that we were working together pretty well for the research, but when we were designing the setup and trying to create something I was not putting in the input I should’ve done or putting in the effort the rest of the group was putting in. I did make up for that on the day when I brought in some stuff and helped make the stand and the research come together and educate people.