Leadership and the ability to work in a Team are two very important skills to have in life. Life is constantly changing and developing and through new experiences and opportunities, leadership, and the ability to work in teams are important skills to have.
This year I have developed my ability to work cohesively in a Team, developing my Leadership skills and improving through my actions with great confidence. Although I have had many opportunities to practice these skills in different situations, I believe one of the most valuable experiences this year that has taught me a lot about both being a Leader and part of a Team, was the 2020 year nine camp to Kalbarri.

Throughout our year nine camp there were many opportunities where I had to show Leadership. When I volunteered myself to organize and help out my group with food preparation, I showed leadership as I had to guide my fellow team mates to get all our food into the right boxes with the right quantities, making sure that we didn’t forget anything. I developed a good system where I gave each person a job and then asked them to report back to me, crosschecking each item on the list before we put it into the right boxes, overall a job well done. To make things fair, I had to distribute the food across the group, so everyone carried their share making sure we remembered everything. Each day I helped to distribute the food to smaller groups within our group, making sure that any groups with special dietary needs were given the correct food. Overall, this taught me a lot about being a good Leader, how to delegate to my team, be fair to everyone and get the job done.
Another great lesson I learned from this camp was how to work in a small team . Organizing our sleeping arrangements every night included setting our tents up and taking them down. Packing them up each morning and then distributing the parts to the members of our group so they could be transported to the next campsite. This had to be done as a Team, one person holding the poles while the other two clipped the tent to it to make it stable. We did the same dismantling the tents and cleaning them each time, rotating who carried what to the next camp, working as a team, and having things organized made this experience a positive one improving my communication skills and ability to work in a group.

The skills that I learnt on this camp through experience, have taught me that being confident and volunteering for things that are new and challenging teach you to be a good leader and Team member. Moving forward I realise that these skills will be are transferable into whatever path I choose to do in life, whether it be part of a ballet Company, or theatre production, Leadership and Team work will be needed.