This year I was given an opportunity to take part in the production of Mama Mia.
This process began with an audition. We took place in a dance audition and then an audition for the leads where we had to sing two songs previously prepared. I was cast as a dancer. We started the vigorous rehersal process, meeting 2-3 times a week, consolidating and rehearsing our lines and choreography for the show. We were responsible for learning our lines, organizing our props and costumes and then taking part in a series of dress rehersals bringing the production together. I tried to help out where I could with props and costumes as well as the leads when I could. We performed in three shows, this was amazing as it was like performing in a real theatre company performing three consecutive nights. Over all this was an amazing experience to be able to perform and be apart of a production and lead the audition process and be part of a theatre company.