“In this project, we learnt about the principles of justice that uphold Australia’s legal system, such as the presumption of innocence, an impartial judiciary, and the right to legal representation. I studied the case of Lloyd Rayney and analysed how these principles were both upheld and violated in this case. After writing an essay on the topic, we were required to incorporate feedback and edit the essay so that it was fit for online publication. This essay is the result of that editing process. It demonstrates my ability to take feedback, and to refine a piece of written work to produce a professional result.

Lloyd Rayneys case (Essay V2)

The horrific tragedy Australia has ever witnessed took its nightmare back on August the 7th 2007 where a revolved mystery tragically affected the Rayney Family. The chronological order of this case exposed its origin of a mystery where Corryn Rayneys death has occurred to the regards of murder. Her life displayed a result where she was horrifically buried with heads down burial located at the area where blood, sweat, and tears have been sacrificed to construct a tranquillized civilisation (Kings Park). To the accords of the judge, Lloyd Rayney was responsible for murder. However, this story of Lloyd Raynes case has defeated further consequences through the Principles of Justice where these techniques have exposed its rightful acts of citizens facing responsibilities as an Australian member of society. The principles of revolved justice are supportive techniques that compromise further consequences for believed actions. These principles supported in the Lloyd Rayney case are explored through the principles of human rights, Equality before the law and reliable evidence and resources.

AS this tragic case drags its nightmare for many years fulfilling society with varieties of questions and mystery terminologies, the principles of justice have upheld a purpose to support Lloyd Rayney through the principles of Human Rights. Here in the Lloyd Rayney case, Human Rights were supported to justify Lloyd Rayney as an innocent Australian citizen. This Principle of justice was upheld in the Lloyd Rayney case through the cause of the terminology on how human society including Lloyd Rayney has its rightful actions to share beliefs and thoughts on how to defeat the purpose of society visualising the assumption that Lloyd Rayney was responsible for this alarming case. Furthermore, this principle of justice has successfully proven its rightful purpose to support Lloyd Rayney to elaborate on a circumstance such as this.  

The rumours and decisions spreading across Australia have successfully promoted the fact that Lloyd Rayney was responsible for Corrins death. In conclusion, the terminology on how society visualises Lloyd Rayney is to be observed as a murderer. Societies sickening response towards this un-amused news has displayed disturbing faces that never appealed to Lloyd’s wanted expectations in public. For instance, an event of stereotyping had Lloyd Rayney experiencing a halt to his driving. Out came numerous officers to inspect Lloyd Rayney top to bottom without tolerance nor respect. This situation defeats the message of Lloyd Rayney having his rightful equality in public. However, when Lloyd was instructed by its lawyer to transport his way to the court, cameras, microphones and audiences were thrilled and convinced that the murderer of Corrin would finally be thrown behind the bars where Lloyd belonged. However, during the trial, levels of questions and criticism lowered its wanting demands where Lloyd was recognized equally by the judge, witnesses, lawyers, and audiences. Despite the news that comprised Lloyd’s freedom and identification, tolerance of respect was observed by the presence of the court. Furthermore, this case has successfully upheld its purpose to bring Lloyd to face Justice.

As the minutes ticked during the Jury where it depicts the fact that Lloyd was fully responsible for an illegal action such as this, the principles of justice revolving around reliable evidence and resources must be closely observed to finally depict the guilt or innocence Lloyd must overcome. During the hours of the jury, witnesses state their experiences of Lloyd Raynes behaviour before the night Corrin had disappeared. Witnesses proclaim its words on behalf of the bible that Lloyd never displayed a distressed face on the night Corrin had disappeared which defeats one source of evidence that proclaims Lloyd being responsible for Corrin’s death. The second source of evidence according to Lloyd’s lawyer indicates an evidence that promotes the beliefs that Lloyd is not the murderer. This evidence revolves around Corrins Car where it was mysteriously located at Kings Park. According to the words of Lloyd’s Lawyer, it proclaims that Investigators shockingly studied a mysterious function many years when the car was last operated. This evidence displayed the driver’s seat gradually moving its way towards the driver’s wheel. There were also reports of sand and dirt found on the two front seats which symbolise the fact that two tall people were responsible for this tragic murder. Therefore this proclaims the answer Australia has awfully been patient for. On behalf of the jury and the judge, Lloyd was not the expected Murderer.

This horrific case Continues its mysterious nightmare taunting Lloyd to this day. Many years ago, when the Jury had finally ended, news reporters were stunned by the news of Lloyd facing no responsibility for this case. Therefore, this justifies that the principles of justice revolving around Human Rights, equality before the law along reliable sources of evidence has successfully upheld Lloyd not being responsible for this case. However, back in 2015 May the 7th, the last sources coming to the accords of Lloyd Rayney many years ago when the jury has finally ended were “We are a strong family of 3, we still do not know who murdered Corrin but for now, we will tearfully cherish the moments with Corrin. This case will continue for answers and investigations in the future. Thank you”. From Lloyd Rayney.

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