What were the biggest things you learned while completing this task?  
Personally, there were several new things that I learned throughout creating my sources of information for young drivers. Overall, the most important thing I believe when completing this task is that this task teaches us to face greater responsibility in the future. By definition responsibility is “the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone”. Furthermore, I believe that this definition of responsibility is applicable to the things that I learned. Foremost, the task was aimed to directly have students complete a task that showcases 4 major contributing factors to car crashing events. This was alcohol consumption, a fatigue mindset, speeding, and distracted driving (which further involves mobile devices). Students would additionally create sources of Information specifically targeted at young drivers so that essentially, the sources will provide information about the issue along with providing a clear and relevant message that additionally explores strategies that young drivers can use to keep themselves and other users on the road safe. As previously mentioned, this task requirement has taught me full responsibility in the future. This is because throughout learning the task requirements, I have learned the gruesome effects of a car crashing events such as the major injuries (back pain, blood, burns on the skin, etc) that further provokes me to be responsible for my alcohol consumption before driving. I have additionally learned how I will be able to control myself in the future if I ever feel like drinking before driving and additionally I have learned to be responsible in a way where I can influence others to do the same. To sum up, everything that has been stated so far, I believe that this task is very convenient for young teenagers to learn as I believe that learning ahead of future requirements to become a young adult is something that really intrigues teenagers to learn.  

What advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why?

If there was one piece of advice that I wish to feed to the future generations of young drivers, then it would be “Think before you act”. I believe that this quote is very good advice. Although it may be cliché and very simplistic, it still holds deeper meanings. This is because the quote “thinking before you act” is not only a quote designated for driving safely but it is applicable to any sort of circumstances in life events whether it is thinking before doing wrong actions such as getting into fights or criticizing people etc. Furthermore, this is why I believe that these few words of wisdom are one of the best pieces of advice that I can offer to young drivers.

Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?

My name is Jaxon Chan. I am a student at All saint’s college where I pride myself to achieve anything I want. I am humble, dedicated, and very self-sufficient. In addition, I pride myself to be mature, responsible, and conscious of everything that I do. Essentially, there comes a time in my life when I am faced with the opportunity to grow into the life of a young adult. I can never stay young and immature because that is just the concept of life, and I am ready to accept it. The time is reaching out to me to a point where I am given the opportunity to learn the requirements of driving. If that is the case, then I, Jaxon Chan will pledge myself to ensure that I am responsible, intelligent, and safe when I start driving. I will ensure that passengers’ safety is guaranteed and additionally, I will ensure that road safety requirements will meet perfect expectations. I will also ensure that others will be influenced by my responsibility and my pledge to become a safe driver. I chose to commit myself to be responsible, intelligent, and safe when driving for the purpose of ensuring that everyone’s safety is guaranteed. Additionally, I commit to these values in order to face greater ways to become more responsible and smarter in the future. Of course, I will need to find ways to stick to these commitments. But realistically, responsibility and intelligence will not remain inside my morals forever. However, to maintain these values for as long as possible, I believe that the best way is to picture driving as if I got lives on my hands. This will further provoke me to reason myself out of any foolish/reckless behaviors which essentially results in a safer environment for others driving around me. Furthermore, these are how I will stick to my values and commitments when I start driving.

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