For this project I was put with Kyle and Simba. I have discovered that some of the learning areas connected to this are; English through reading The Giver were we learned about Dystopias and what a Utopia shouldn’t be like , Science through Sustainable houses, Digital ICT through Co-spaces and HASS through Livability factors (1. Climate 2. Environmental Quality 3. Infrastructure 4. Safety and Stability and 5. Access to health care and Education) and Subjective factors (For instance Housing, Income, Jobs, Community, Education, Environment, Health and Safety) and your design for your personal Utopia.

Some of the most important information that I learnt is if you waste time the creation will not turn out the way you would have liked it to turn out. What I enjoyed the most was getting my hands dirty while we created our utopia  because it is mostly Paper Mache and spray paint so when Simba and I were spray painting outside Kyle was getting ready for an accreditation. Although when I look back this does seem unfair to kyle but he was fine because at that point we really needed to get a few accreditations 

 What I found most challenging was to keep on working and not start chatting and this was difficult because I was with both of my friends. What I would have done differently is that I would have worked a whole lot more on the accreditations because in the end my group only got two, these were Goal 7 affordable and clean energy an goal 15 life on land we were trying to get three accreditations the one we missed out on was goal 9 industry innovation and infrastructure.

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