Health assessment
- The three core values I chose are respect, empathy and kindness
The value of respect is very important to me because respect is something you need to get ahead of life as it plays such a crucial role in not only connections with other people but also getting a job and it’s just a skill you need in life as well.
I chose empathy because this is a strong ability to have in your future life and it can let you understand how other people feel when they go through something really serious and the don’t know how to handle it.
The last value I chose is kindness, kindness is an important value to cheer someone up by giving them a compliment or just being nice to them in general which can make anyone feel better if you say the right thing.
2. My Bad Role Model is Donald Trump,
The reasoning behind this is because he was someone who influenced the world in a different way and he also made everyone not feel safe with some of the amount violence and with the entire black lives matter scenario that happened during the time he was leading America deeply impacted people.
Not much people felt safe when trump won the election twice and he also made the lives of a lot of people much much harder of many people and he has made himself known for being not that good of a leader and because of his wonderful “spray tan”.
My Good role model is Mr Beast ( Jimmy Donaldson)
He is a good person who gives by to the community in many different ways like either helping the different people in need by giving them various things such as money or just making high quality videos for the community to love in general. This person has been a massive influence in my life because he has made me to be a better and nicer person than I was when I was in primary school and he means a lot to the world.